Discrimination Towards Muslims

Whenever the “Muslim” topic comes up it brings so many controversies rather than religion itself. For most of them it symbolizes of terrorism, threat, or violence. Ever since the attack of 911 the view of the muslims changed. Now people everywhere faces discrimination and being turned down for many occasions just because of their appearances muslim like. Whenever there is discrimination comes up muslims are right up there. I made another blog post before about muslims and how they face discrimination everywhere including myself. I feel like this muslims situation is not improving anywhere, rather increasing. It is understandable how society thinks muslims as terrorist because of rising tensions and terrorisms are done by other groups which they call themselves as muslims. But that has nothing to do with other muslims who is living their normal life and has no connection at all. Last week yet another muslim discrimination issue caught my eyes on the media. This time, Dominos Pizza discriminated a pregnant muslim women cause she was muslim and her muslim like appearance.

This video clearly shows this muslim woman was targeted because she had her hijab on and treated unequally. This is an everyday thing for a typical muslim everywhere and they are not on the media nor society talks about this issue. All of this tie to one which is discrimination towards minorities and specific group.

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