Dangers of a single story

We are living in a diverse society. People from all over the world lives in the United States as well as different cultures, norms and religions. Even after so many types and cultures, there is always dominant culture or group of people who runs the society. It all started from the founding fathers of this nation who crated this country and make policies and laws. United States did not allowed all the foreigners at first. Europeans started to come in then slowly one after another. Skin color was a big issue as a result,  colored people struggled. Slavery then inequality, cvil war we all ran through with them. Even after so many years stereotypes is a big issue. It may not be visible like it did in the slavery days but it certainly does exists.

Me being a south asian and also being a muslim often encounter embarrassment by people in public. In our community it is an expectation and we know something is about to happen. Ever since the terror attack the view of muslim people changed dramatically, which is completely understandable. I do not blame anyone for thinking like that. However, there is a limit of assuming things. Every time i go through airport security check point, i have asked to stand up aside and check my luggage and double check everything than a normal person should have. Other facts, such as getting denied for a job simply because of my color of my skin or my religion. People give you a hate look on you even though you have not done anything. It is very frustration and i think all the people should have this knowledge not every colored people and muslim person are bad. Not only i have to deal with colored skin issue but also Muslim. Muslim recently added to it. Here is an example of how our society thinks and views muslim and other nation and cultures. Reza Aslan defended his views video below.


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