Food Industries and governments dirty politics

I was able to watch a documentary about food and how food industries are dominating the market and the interesting part was government played a big part knowing the fact that, all these foods has excessive amount of sugars which is unhealthy and yet government did nothing but tried to hide the cause. Doctors were paid by the companies to tell lies and those who couldn’t either got fired and protested about this serious issue. The most surprising thing to me was products such a Coca cola and all those sugary brands making campaign to stop consume junk foods.

Do we really know the amount of sugars

Do we really know the amount of sugars

Most people are not aware the amount of sugar they daily consume and how each sugar can cause bad effect on their body. This picture about will give slight idea how much we consume on each bottle of drink and these the products we frequently buys i know i am. There there are form of sugars are bad than others. I only know few out of many. For example lactose, fructose, glucose and many more. All these sugars are worst more or less than others.

A glass of cola contain as much as sugar as 3 piece of cakes.

A glass of cola contain as much as sugar as 3 piece of cakes.

So why government isn’t doing anything to stop these?  Because all these food companies bringing large amount of profits creating job opportunities and more importantly for better economy. All these food companies are run and owned by political leaders or someone who is  in close relations with political  leaders. As a result, food companies are not going anywhere. However, they came up with low sugary food which isn’t helping anything at all.

We as a consumer need to be aware of this food and check the nutritional facts which i do not believe all the time. It is also our responsible to know what we are feeding ourselves and choose the right food. There are healthy foods out there and we need to pick the right food for ourselves.  i think media and tv commercials billboard is also bringing more consumers. It is ultimately up to us what we should consume.

Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack



Very interesting article reminded me of somewhat “nickel and dimed” very practical. She basically dig out all the issue for being white and why white are being oppressive to others.

Out of 25 there are several i can clearly see as white being a dominant group. Here are my chick lists which i thought to be true and applies to me.

*I can, if I wish, arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.

*If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area that I can afford and in which I would want to live.

*I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.

*I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

*Whether I use checks, credit cards, or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of financial reliability.

*I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.

*If a traffic cop pulls me over, or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven’t been singled out because of my race.

*I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help my race will not work against me.

*I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having coworkers on the job suspect that I got it because of race.

All of these above issues  i personally thought are symbolism of white supremacy. We as a minorities see it face it everyday and all of these issues are brought in the class. How minorities neighborhood has all kind of garbage dumps less funded school higher crime rate, no neighborhood facilities, less jobs because of disadvantage for not being white, media controls pretty much whites therefore they get the favor.

I was somewhat surprised that actually all of them i could checked off and her all 25 points are on the point.

i am sure there are many i can add but these are the main ones.

As i said before implicit privileges giving out all the benefits  to whites and it wouldn’t be a problem if others like minorities were to get the same amount of privileges.


Climate Changes are causing humans..or not

I have been hearing from science classes ever since i started school that humans are causing climate change and how all the pollution and green house effect are causing temperature to rise up. However, there is a doubt amongst two group of scientist. One group is simply saying they do not believe that humans are causing temperature to go up. Here is the big question. What else is causing this temperature?


There is a big debate going amongst scientist and politicians what causing what and according to the numbers almost majority of the scientists believe 97-98 percent that humans are causing climate to change. As we have seen several videos in the class one with Bill Maher where he continues to argue with another man supposedly a republican man  in which the republican man keep on disagreeing with Bill. Global-Warming-2007-ABC-News-Release2

This is an interesting chart and it shows how people view of climate change. The first bar is the most interesting one where most people are assuming its going to happen but do not know why or do not even bother thinking. So what really causing this? Do we have enough reasonings?

This above link is an interesting article which talks about why some  of us do not believe humans are not causing climate change.

On the other hand, here is  the picture below what we have been learning from school. Simple scientific explanation of why climate change are causing by humans.

Fingerprints_1024   so we are seeing the two groups backing up each other for climate change reasonings. On the chart most people do not really research or pay attention what causing this  climate to change. I personally do believe humans are off course responsible for climate change however, there could be other reasons which will stay as doubt for most of us. Statistics are showing 97 percent of scientists believe that humans are causing climate to change and rest is up to us which way we will take it.





Children on Psychotropic drugs



We talked about psychotropic drugs use on prisoners but what about the children? As i was researching some facts about psychotropic drugs, i saw several article about children which terrified me. This is children we are talking about and the statistics they showed are quite surprising.


Foster care children are prescribed more psychotropic drugs than any others which we can see on the chart above. Something that really surprised me is that foster care where children suppose to be taken care of and be safe but instead they are getting the harsh treatment likewise prisoners on my other blog. Which could also mean that they were treated unequally and abuse them on drugs which is way of punishing them knowing the fact that they are helpless and most of them do not really need any kind of drugs.

Quote2  This numbers above tells the story and it is increasing rapidly. So not only prisoners are getting these abuse in fact children are getting them way faster which is dangerous for all the children in this situation as they grow older may have more side affect. I think this is more serious issue than prisoners because they are getting this abuse in so early in the age and they have long way to go.



Government needs to take step to stop this abuse on the children cause it sends a dangerous message for the next generations. Media on the other hand is not bringing this issue up and this needs to be addressed. This children should have bright future ahead and we should help them instead of giving them drugs and torture them.


Prisoners abuse and a part of experiment

There is another world inside prison which no one would know other than prisoners and the people who controls the prison. Being a prisoner is never a good thing but it enhances that flavor when they were to put on abuse and drugs for experiment. Courtesy of Tony Hatch’s presentation in our class and this course gave me a brief idea what is really going on inside prison which i would never think about. I personally think this is one of those rare issue that people barely talk about more like colorblind racism. According to my article which i was given in class titled ” Sterilization Abuse in State Prisons” it talked about “148 female prisoners in two California institutions were sterilized between 2006 and 2010”.  I think we learned so much about prisoners and their harsh treatment inside the prison.

Tony Hatch’s presentation brought a whole new idea which was “Psychotropic drugs” which is  known as prescribed medication. Often times these are great way to keep prisoners mouth shut and and they also become part of experiment. The prescribers often put a title of mental illness and make prescribe them this drugs which makes them even worse. Prisoners in this case are helpless and no one would hear their opinion since they are controlled by prison officials and they too would not do anything. So where is the catch? The catch is money involved on everything. The more they can keep prisoners locked down the more money they will earn as a team.


This chart shows the use of prescribed drugs on different settings

This chart shows the use of prescribed drugs on different settings

In this above chart shows the different amount of psychotropic drugs use on a different settings. About 60 percent of them are used in group home or residential home which also tie to the prisoners since they are in a group in prisons.

We really need to bring these unfair treatment thats been going on for years inside the prison and no one seems to talk or bring these issues up in the media.



Discrimination Towards Muslims

Whenever the “Muslim” topic comes up it brings so many controversies rather than religion itself. For most of them it symbolizes of terrorism, threat, or violence. Ever since the attack of 911 the view of the muslims changed. Now people everywhere faces discrimination and being turned down for many occasions just because of their appearances muslim like. Whenever there is discrimination comes up muslims are right up there. I made another blog post before about muslims and how they face discrimination everywhere including myself. I feel like this muslims situation is not improving anywhere, rather increasing. It is understandable how society thinks muslims as terrorist because of rising tensions and terrorisms are done by other groups which they call themselves as muslims. But that has nothing to do with other muslims who is living their normal life and has no connection at all. Last week yet another muslim discrimination issue caught my eyes on the media. This time, Dominos Pizza discriminated a pregnant muslim women cause she was muslim and her muslim like appearance.

This video clearly shows this muslim woman was targeted because she had her hijab on and treated unequally. This is an everyday thing for a typical muslim everywhere and they are not on the media nor society talks about this issue. All of this tie to one which is discrimination towards minorities and specific group.

Pollen Issues in Georgia

Have you ever wonder why Georgia has so much pollen than any other places? Pollen personally do not bother me but i know it annoys some people due to their allergic reactions. It is a part of nature and some people call it this is when trees are having sex, which is somewhat true. According to my course i learned that males trees are the one who create most of the pollen and they are cheap to plant and this is why we experience so much pollen in Georgia. Very interesting facts to know. Anyways, lets talk about the outcome of this people for some people which can be more serious than we think. Pollen causes asthma, runny nose, watery eyes, sneeze, and coughs. It can be very deadly for some people. How about pollen itself makes things dusty and dry. First thing we notice is our cars. This is when people wash their cars more often than any other time. Car wash guys stay happy because this is their season for business so something is good about pollen.



Common issues of pollen is sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes

Common issues of pollen is sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes


Tom Ogren, an agriculturist and author. He wrote books about “Allergy Free Gardening” and “Safe Sex in the Garden” He argues that approach to urban landscaping that prizes gender diversity in an effort to reduce pollen counts. however, city planners argue that even if cities have become enclaves of horticulture masculinity, they are not the cause of runny nose. Pollen blows everywhere, he also added, diversifying trees in a city wouldn’t reduce pollen simnifically.

However, it is not that hard for cities to plant allergy free landscaping. a handful of cities in the west are already working to reduce pollens. Places such as Tucson, phoenix, las vegas, el paso are all banning planting pollen producing trees.

Almost the worst pollen affected areas Boston came out to be worst. Other places such as, Connecticut, Greenville South Carolina topped on the chart.

I think its one of those issues we think about every year when pollen season comes but no one seems to take a legitimate action to reduce pollen. I did not see any action taken from local county or local news paper never talks about pollen issues in Georgia. One of those seasonal issue which comes every year   for a little period time and people complain about pollen and goes away when pollen ends as well as people. This is not the actual case and there is always a cure which no one seems to be interested. Local officials wont say anything to this because in the end all they care about easy maintenance and cheaper tree for plantations.

Nickel & Dimed

My first blog is from my assigned reading titled “Nickel & Dimed”. I will be posting more about this reading and share what i think about the book overall.



1. Yes it did upset me and that book was an experiment of a real life. It showed  how an individual can work so hard for low pay and their low level of lifestyles. It was surprising to me that author herself was disguised character in this book but hardly anyone noticed until the end. I did not find any flaws in her research. I do not believe that anyone can make it if they work hard. Some people work all of their lives just to survive but  yet not enough.

2. I personally believed that it helped her to get job easier throwout the book and she mentioned most of the low level jobs were filled by immigrants and she had the better opportunity to get it for being a white and native english speaker.

3. The first part of the book “Serving in Florida” towards the end where she was scolded by her manger for not doing her job or something her manger didn’t like. This was the part right before she moved out to Maine. Language like this serve disrespect towards others especially for a low worker never treated respectfully.

4. Hands and Knees is very old fashioned especially for Ehrenreich. We are living in 21st century and hands and knees approach seems very old fashioned to me. Reminds me of slavery times back in the day. Gratification may come from the consumers as they see this hands and knees services making it.

5. Maids are in the United States are treated differently those who are in minorities. Mostly maids are minority workers. As a result they come from poverty. Invincibility is the ignorance and unequal view towards them.

6. Ehrenreich talked several times about her dietary is mainly because of lack of unhealthy diets which is not good for nutrition. This book showed how low wage workers eat during the day and work at the same time. Sometimes it may take place while driving. Low wage workers tend to work some unhealthy places as a result they may not have many healthy choices when it comes to food. In addition, use of tobacco, drugs and alcohol supplements it. Ehrenreich  is trying to point out that, low wage workers do not eat healthy and not enough meal for the day compared to hard work they put on their body. It is not sufficient and not healthy.


Dangers of a single story

We are living in a diverse society. People from all over the world lives in the United States as well as different cultures, norms and religions. Even after so many types and cultures, there is always dominant culture or group of people who runs the society. It all started from the founding fathers of this nation who crated this country and make policies and laws. United States did not allowed all the foreigners at first. Europeans started to come in then slowly one after another. Skin color was a big issue as a result,  colored people struggled. Slavery then inequality, cvil war we all ran through with them. Even after so many years stereotypes is a big issue. It may not be visible like it did in the slavery days but it certainly does exists.

Me being a south asian and also being a muslim often encounter embarrassment by people in public. In our community it is an expectation and we know something is about to happen. Ever since the terror attack the view of muslim people changed dramatically, which is completely understandable. I do not blame anyone for thinking like that. However, there is a limit of assuming things. Every time i go through airport security check point, i have asked to stand up aside and check my luggage and double check everything than a normal person should have. Other facts, such as getting denied for a job simply because of my color of my skin or my religion. People give you a hate look on you even though you have not done anything. It is very frustration and i think all the people should have this knowledge not every colored people and muslim person are bad. Not only i have to deal with colored skin issue but also Muslim. Muslim recently added to it. Here is an example of how our society thinks and views muslim and other nation and cultures. Reza Aslan defended his views video below.

Hello to my Readers.

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Hello readers!!

This is my first time making blog courtesy of “Social Problems” course i am taking. This is where we as a class making our own personal blogs which will cover basically anything that has to do with social problems. As i said, i have never done any blogs before so this will a good opportunity for me to play around. Through out the semester i will be making post which will relate to social problems as well as class requirement. My blog may cover materials from class notes and lecture and other social problems which are outside of class related.

I hope you guys enjoy my blog and i will try my best to make it more enjoyable reading.