Module 4: Assessing Your Students in iCollege
Creating a Quiz
The Quiz Tool can be used to create quizzes, tests, or exams. There are multiple question types that can be added to your quiz—most of which can be automatically graded when students submit their quizzes. Question types that can be auto-graded include True/False, Multiple Choice, Multi-Select, Matching, Ordering, and Fill in the Blanks. The Written Response question type can be used for essay, free-response questions. The Written Response Question type must be graded manually.
The Quiz Tool includes features such as
- displaying one question per page
- preventing the return to a previously answered question
- time limits
- randomization of answer choices
- shuffling of question order
- question pools that pull random questions to display to each student
In some cases, you can work with your textbook vendor to obtain a test bank that can be imported into the iCollege Question Library. The Question Library can be used as a database of questions that you can use to add questions to a quiz/test/exam. The advantage of a Question Library is it makes it easy for you to create question pools that randomly display questions on a quiz/test/exam to students.
The Quiz Tool can also be used to set special accommodations for students who have worked with the GSU Access and Accommodation Center.
Watch the following tutorial to learn more about the quiz tool.
The following link will provide step by step instructions on how to create a quiz in iCollege.
Quiz Question Library
The quiz library allows you to create, organize and reuse questions for quizzes and other assessments such as surveys and self assessments. The quiz library allows you to develop questions FIRST and then create a quiz (test or exam) that will use those questions.
Watch the following tutorial to learn more about the Question Library.
Quiz Question Types
The Question Library has several question types available to allow you to create best assess your students. The most popular question types available are:
- True or False
- Multiple Choice
- Multi-Select
- Written Response
- Short Answer
- Multi-Short Answer
- Fill in the Blanks
- Matching
Watch the following tutorial to learn more about the question types available in the Quiz tool.
Learn more about Question Types
Randomized Quiz Questions
Randomized questions allow you to create a unique set of questions to individual learners.
Watch the following tutorial to learn how to create randomized questions for a quiz.
Quiz Accommodations
The Access and Accommodation Center will contact you if you have a student in your class who requires special accommodations. While there are many accommodations, one of the most common accommodations is allowing additional time on a quiz. in iCollege, the additional time is added using “special access” settings.
Watch the following tutorial to learn how to grant special access to a quiz.
To view step-by-step instructions on how to apply special access settings to a quiz in iCollege, click the link below.
Quiz Proctoring
There are currently two available and supported options for proctoring quizzes, tests, and exams delivered using the iCollege Quiz Tool.
Respondus LockDown Browser is a special browser that is installed on a student’s device. The student must take the quiz using this browser. The browser works by blocking students’ ability to run additional applications on their devices. When Monitor is enabled, the device’s webcam/camera records them taking the exam. Students must have a webcam or camera in order to use this option. Instructors have the ability to review the recordings if they suspect an integrity issue.
To enable Respondus LockDown Browser (RLDB) and Monitor for a quiz, follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Things to Remember When Using RLDB and Monitor
Please be aware of the following:
- Students must be able to install the Respondus LockDown Browser software on their devices.
- Device types/Operating system availability is limited.
- The Monitor option requires students to use a webcam.
- If the environmental scan function is to be utilized, please remind students that any items in their immediate surroundings will be seen and recorded by their camera during the environmental scan. Advise them to remove any items they deem private or personal.
Best Practices
- Before using RLDB on a major (high-stakes) quiz, enable RLDB and Monitor on a low-stakes or practice quiz to give students the opportunity to become familiar with the software and resolve any technical issues that may arise.