Acrylic paint on foam core
Inspired by Star Wars
The map inspired by Star Wars is to guide the students to the Georgia State Perimeter College Clarkston campus. The map not only takes them a walk of the campus, but they also learn about Star Wars: A New Hope. They find scenes and detailed conflicts occurring and directions where to find the next scene to find out what happens next. This map is designed for Star Wars fans, but also those who never watched Star Wars and never want to, because of its lengthy movies, but they can “watch” it in under 30 minutes.
The map is created out of black foam core and covered in matte medium. The template used for the Millennium Falcon was used from a graphic design poster found online. Not every detail from the template was applied on the map for wanting to keep its simplicity. The grays used come from the same gray; it was added shade and tint to find the desired color. The back of the Falcon is the map and planets from Star Wars resemble the campus buildings.