The following virtual trainings are organized according to topic
A reminder that funding is available to fellows for relevant trainings! See the Tools for Fellows page about how to seek reimbursement
In addition to the resources below, available recordings from previous HRSA TIPPS & EPIC-CARES Seminars are located on Teams
Opioid, Substance Use, and Pain Management
- ABCT recorded webinars:
- Effective Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: Recognition, Referral and Treatment. Presented by R. Kathryn
- Free for members, $45 for nonmembers
- Workforce Grand Rounds Webinar Series: Models to Support Opioid Abuse Prevention and Treatment
- This webinar covers novel approaches to opioid addiction and treatment team-based
- Working Together to Address Opioid Addiction: We are all part of the solution!
- This webinar discussed how there is a role for all organizations to positively impact the opioid use epidemic, by describing individual and organizational tactics to promote opioid use screening and abuse prevention, and by identifying models of community partnerships that can be effective in reducing opioid abuse.
- Opioid Prescribing: Safe Practice, Changing Lives
- This webinar discussed how to counsel patients and caregivers about safer use of opioids, described strategies for diagnosing and managing opioid-addicted patients, and practiced techniques for safe opioid prescribing. Developed by experts from Collaborative for REMS Education (CO*RE) (part of American Society for Addiction Medicine-ASAM), it incorporated all six units outlined in the FDA blueprint for safe opioid prescribing.
- Medications Used to Treat Opioid Addiction
- This webinar discussed how to define MAT for opioid addiction, describe risks and benefits of MAT, recognize medications used in MAT, choose and adjust MAT for patients and special populations, and identify MAT resources for providers and communities.
- Effective Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: Recognition, Referral and Treatment. Presented by R. Kathryn
- From APA (FREE): Psychology’s Unique Role in Addressing the Opioid Crisis
- Vaping and the Rise of Teen Nicotine Addiction: Warnings and Solutions
- Free, 25 minute recording
- Webinar by Shireen Rizvi (Rutgers) on DBT skills for crisis
- Brains & Behavior Healthy Minds Series: “Opioid Epidemic: “What every family should know”
- Free Webinars from NAADAC
Telemental Health
- ABCT- Getting Started with Tele Mental Health, Kate Morrison, PhD, FREE
- APA Telepsychology Best Practice 101 Series
- APA member: $45 | Nonmember: $60
Integrated and Rural Care
- Integrated Primary Care Psychology Online Course
- A free online “curriculum” available to graduate, internship and post-doctoral faculty to introduce integrated primary care to students. It has foundational modules and specific modules, such as on chronic pain, substance use, and cultural diversity.
- Behavioral Health Integration: Getting from Why to How
- Designed for health centers in Iowa with newly received mental health and substance use services funding from HRSA, this webinar provided foundational knowledge about behavioral health integration, including a discussion of the six levels of integration as well as critical elements involved in successful implementation of behavioral health integration.
- Workforce Grand Rounds Webinar Series Strengthening the Rural Health Workforce
- This webinar focuses on strengthening the rural health workforce: tools, resources and outcomes. The goal of this webinar is to increase awareness of health workforce needs in rural communities.
- Webinars offered by Ann & Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
- Collection of free webinars: Mental Health Care in the Pediatric Clinic, developed as part of training for community pediatricians and residents engaged in our collaborative care model. The modules are brief (20-30 minutes) and review identification and treatment guidelines for ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression.
- The platform requires that the trainee “purchase” the modules and create a login
Working With Children and Youth
- SSCP Virtual Clinical Lunch: Working with anxious youth-more action less talk
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America videos:
- MSU Autism Lab Webinar: Parent Coaching Through Telehealth– Brooke Ingersoll & Anna Dvortcsak
- Pain in Child Health Webinar: Organizational contextual factors that influence the implementation of an online, multifaceted strategy to reduce pain in hospitalized infant.
- Children’s Healthcare Canada Webinar: COVID-19 and the care of the child with chronic disease
- Brains and Behavior Healthy Minds Series: “Youth and mental healthy intervention”
- Free Webinars from NAADAC
- Multiple free videos from Resilience in Youth
Working With Minority Populations
- SAMHSA Implicit Bias Webinar
- Free Webinars from NAADAC
- Upcoming and past events from the National Hispanic and Latino Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America: Free for members, $30 for non-members
Multiple Categories
- SAMSHA Website
- Offers many online webinars and other training opportunities. When you complete an online training if you take the quizzes you can receive a certificate.
- Stay up to date with upcoming ABCT webinars
- $25 for members / $15 for student members / $35 for non-members
- ABCT webinar archives:
- Non-CE recorded Webinars
Member Price: $25.00, Non-Member Price: $35.00, Available for download after purchase
- CE-Recorded Webinars
- Member Price: $25.00, Non-Member Price: $35.00, Available for download after purchase
- Non-CE recorded Webinars
- HRSA Webinar Archives
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America Recorded Webinars
- Cost varies, free for members not seeking CE
- APA Division 12 webinars
- FREE for SCP (APA Division 12) members, $10 for non-members
- Kurtz Psychology Lunch n Learn Webinar Series
- Several webinars with emphasis on treating children and telehealth. Past videos are available “on demand” for $10.
- Living Healthy Webinars
- Free webinars on healthy living including Pain: Just because it’s in your brain, doesn’t mean it’s all in your head!
- Free seminars from the Society for Behavioral Sleep Medicine
- Starting Thursday 3/19/2020, all seminars will be online. They happen on Thursdays at 9am MST (11am EST)
- Videos and resources on behavioral activation by the Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Science
- Greater Good Online Institute for Health Professionals
- Treasure Chest: YouTube Clinical Psychology Party (list developed by Evelyn Behar, Ph.D. at Hunter College): Go on YouTube and start searching! Learn from the masters….hear the classic talks and presentations. Here are some good names to look up and a few direct links to talks
- Marsha Linehan (Borderline Personality Disorder, DBT)
- Ricardo Munoz (great talk here:
- Sue Johnson (emotion focused marital therapy)
- Robin Mermelstein (adolescent smoking – great recent SRNT presidential address:
- Jon Gottman (marital distress)
- Edna Foa (PTSD)
- David Barlow (anxiety disorders)
- Michelle Craske (anxiety disorders)
- “Todd Grande CBT” (great role plays! Pause it at key moments and ask yourself how you’d respond as the therapist!)
- Allison Harvey (insomnia)
- Frank Penedo (prostate cancer) – nice interview in Spanish for those who understand:
- Jennifer Richeson (cultural diversity – nice talk from APS convention here:
- Enrique Neblett (racial disparities & psych health) – nice talk here:
- Jon Abramowitz (OCD)
- Otto Kernberg (transference focused therapy for personality disorders…a different perspective. There are clinical trials…very theoretically rich intervention….)
- Lorna Smith Benjamin (interpersonal reconstructive therapy – not CBT – get a different perspective)
- Paul Meehl (so good….a giant….you’ll become a better thinker)
- Robert Emery (child custody mediation)
- Annette La Greca (trauma & youth) – great presidential address here:
- Claude Steele (a giant in the area of stereotype threat…important for thinking across disciplines including health & psychopathology)
- Scott Lilienfeld (lots of topics, strong critical thinker)
- Pauline Maki (hormones, mood, aging, & cognitive health)
- Gail Steketee (hoarding disorder) – ABCT presidential address here:
- Ami Klin (autism in children)
- There is a channel called “Psychotherapy Expert Talks” that is good –