Introduction: Mahnoor Khan


My name is Mahnoor Khan. I am a graduating senior, finishing up my bachelor’s degree in chemistry. My experience at GSU was exciting and I am grateful for all the wonderful friends and teachers I met during my journey. During my last semester here, with all my credit requirements filled, I wanted to choose a class that would allow me to give back to the community. Since this was a service-learning class, I imagined it would not be as interactive and engaging. However, it was the complete opposite, I loved our class meetings where we talked about the different perspectives on climate change, its effects on our daily lives and actions we could take to resolve it. 

For the second half of this class, we will be volunteering for a non-profit community partner who is working to preserve nature and create a positive impact. I will be volunteering for Atlanta Creek League. It is an organization that raises awareness for the local creeks in Atlanta. They sell T-shirts to raise funds and have projects for cleaning local creeks in Atlanta area. I love being around water and I knew volunteering for this organization would be very rewarding for me. Therefore, I am very excited to go help and become a part of this organization. I look forward to learning more about the hidden creeks in Atlanta Area and possibly find my favorite spot where I would go spend time with my family.