Class Notes

Will be on midterm exam

1b 2016-09-03_10-58-02 Critical Theory > considering the social power dynamics in a given system

FROM ONLINE a philosophical approach to culture, and especially to literature, that seeks to confront the social, historical, and ideological forces and structures that produce and constrain it. The term is applied particularly to the work of the Frankfurt School.


Paraphrase >            Short amount of text in your own words

Affordances >          Particular designs that enables people to do certain things

Constraints >           Particular designs that restrict that people can do certain things.

Summary >   your understanding of a text. The goal is to come as close to the original meaning as possible.

Genre > a category characterized by similarities in form, style or subject matter,


Claim > A statement put forth as true that needs to be convincing.

Thesis >The main claim of an argument


Ethnographic Methodology …. “Thick Description” > Clifford Geertz, Objective (capture pieces in as much detail as possible” and Subjective Conclusions based on your observations.  Can anything be purely objective?


Use MLA style for citing and use of present tense

On Friday 9/16 will meet in Library South on the 8th floor.

5 modes of communication:

1) linguistic 2) oral, 3) audio, 4) gestural, 5) visual 6)?(book) spatial instead of 2) oral…. is linguistic and oral the same thing?