Annotated Bibliography 10
Keyes, Laura; Rader, Carolyn; Berger, Cathie. “Creating Communities: Atlanta’s Lifelong Community Initiative.” Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics (PHYS OCCUP THER GERIATR) 29.16(2011)59-74. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 25 Mar 2016
The source talks about how the communities of Atlanta are changing and growing older and these older communities need a place to grow at. It talks about The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), which developed the Lifelong Communities Initiative to helps meet the changing needs of these growing and aging communities. This source relates to how communities interact and how they grow and strive. This source relates to all my other source in the fact that it talks about communities. This source is very idealistic, but does explain plans on how to better help the growing community and what The Atlanta Regional Commission does. The article is more of an ultimate goal to strive for in meeting the needs of the growing communities in Atlanta. With this source and my other source they all work together on how to make a better society with less violence and more community understanding.