March 8

Reading Summaries 5

Color Walking

The writers of the paper seem to have a show or pod cast call “Color”, which they use to talk about, as the name would hint, colors. In one of their pod cast this thing call “a color walk” comes up, and they decide to try it out for themselves. A color walk seems to be going on a walk without being distracted and following a color from thing to thing as you make your journey through where ever you are.

A while back ago, a man named William Burroughs came up with the idea of Color Walks to inspire his students. A Color Walk is a very simple thing, but it brings out the beauty and the colors of everything around you. Basically, to start a Color walk you must pick a color or let your eyes pick or you, which the writer of this page recommends letting your eye pick the color, then you walk around look from thing to thing to find that color.

If you were to pick the color red you might start at a red sign, then a red fire truck, but get lost at a red house. The people who came of with this idea talks about if you get lost you should then pick another color and keep going till you get even further lost. The people who wrote this decided to try this out for themselves, but gave themselves the option to freely change from color to color, “a woman’s lavender handbag might draw us to the right; a yellow cab could pull us down a side street; a green pistachio ice cream cone could shove us into the park.” They started their walk at WNYC, in lower Manhattan, on a Sunday afternoon. During their walk they take pictures of everything they see that led them to different places. They started with a blue scarf, then to blue chipping nails, then a blue sign, then to watching blue in basket ball, but after that they switch to purple with purple in nooks and crannys, then to purple leopard leggings, to purple and pink, which led to the final thing in pink.

After their afternoon of search color to color they talk about how the vivid colors of their time spent was stuck in their heads. Things that you’d normally only glaces at and pay no mind to, but when your eyes are truly open show you a world of explosively bright passion. After that they think that you should try this Color Walking for yourself. They give some tips on how to get the most out of doing it, which are to give yourself an hour of uninterrupted time with no commutes, no errands, and only just eye time. They then tell you to pick a color,  let your eyes pick, or let a color pick you. Then there final step is to follow the one that makes your heart go beat as if it was your love. They then tell you “If you get lost, pick another color. If you get really lost, you’re on the right track”, though I can’t recommend getting lost.

Posted March 8, 2016 by Hunter in category Uncategorized

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