herbert z. duarto

Just another Georgia State University site

about me

flickr photo by Mark Fischer (creative commons)

flickr photo by Mark Fischer (creative commons)

My name is Herbert Z. Duarto. I was born and raised in a little town called Kpain in the northeastern remotive part of Liberia, West Africa. I started Kindergarten school when I was 12 years old. At age 12, most African boy children are capable of working on the farm, planting crops, and providing for themselves. I was able to support myself through primary school and into high school. upon my graduation from high school in 1989, civil war broke out in my country. Fortunately for me, a resettlement program for refugees of the war-torn Liberia, gave me visa through my father to come to the United States. On January 28, 1999, I arrived at John F.Kennedy International Airport in New York City with some of my first set of children. We lived in Philadelphia for seven months, and moved to Atlanta. Our relocation was enhanced by a favorable weather condition in the south. Five years later, my fiancee (Ms. Theresa Cynthia Karn) joined me. Now, Ms. Theresa and I are married and residing in Loganville, Georgia; and have a family of four little children and five adult ones. With such a large family, I work very hard to sustain us, all. Yet, I still attend Georgia States University as a full time student. It is difficult for me to be doing this, yes! But thanks to God Almighty for His Grace upon me. I am thankful to the administrators and faculty staff at Georgia State University for their expertise. Thanks to the financial aid department and student loans for being helpful in my academic endeavors. I focus on the preparation for my future. I must graduate from GSU with honor. And I will be able to teach Mathematics at one of the local middle schools in my community.This is my desires. And I will accomplish this goal.

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