Artist statement
Title piece: Rain To Grow the heart
date: Feberary 7, 2024
medium: Air-dry clay, acrylic pain and moss
I did my empirical research on the amount of rain I could collect within the week by putting out bottles outside when it rained. My research question was how much rain de we experience and how does it affect the environment. I created an anatomy heart with moss surrounding it that can also be used as a vase to represent the core of nature is water. It help the enviroment thrive and without it cannot live just like humans cannot live without their hearts. The highest rain that was collected was 4 inches and the lowest 1 1/1 inches. The difference I notice with the highest level of rain is it was more glummer throughout the day while the lowest amount made the day a bit humid. The vase represents the holder of nature and is used by adding the rain water in it and adding plants to watch it grow