Global Health Blogs with Professor Swahn

Student Reflections on Topics Covered in our Class

Global Health Blogs with Professor Swahn

Entries Tagged as 'SDGs'

The SDGs -It is Up to You(th)!

September 26, 2020 · No Comments · SDGs, Uncategorized

Blog 1: It’s up to YOU(TH)! Although the only time you’ll hear about them is at a charity event or a specialized course, sustainable development goals are an important subject and should be a topic of conversation for all ages in the U.S. The U.N. has coined the phrase “Sustainable Development Goals” as “the blueprint […]



Youth Engagement in Sustainable Development Goals/ Future we want Campaign

September 15, 2020 · No Comments · SDGs

Upon reading the SDG’s/ Future We Want Campaign  a couple ideas of how the Youth can engage came to mind. Here is a brief list!                                                             […]



Sustainable Development Goals-GSU Global Health

September 10, 2020 · 1 Comment · SDGs, Uncategorized

Sustainable Development Goals consist of 17 goals mapped out by the United Nations that aspire to create a healthier, equitable, and connected future for the world. These goals are centered around “investing in the future we want.” They consist of initiatives anywhere from ending world hunger and promoting well-being all the way to promoting world […]



Why are the Sustainability Development Goals virtually unheard of in the United States?

September 10, 2020 · No Comments · SDGs, Uncategorized

According to the United Nations, the Sustainable Development Goals “are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.” In an attempt to “leave no one behind, the 17 Goals are all […]



Goals I Never Knew Existed – Wow!

September 10, 2020 · 1 Comment · SDGs, Uncategorized

The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are 17 goals that I had no idea even existed. I knew there were general sustainability goals in different countries but I did not know there were goals set by the United Nations. The goals have been adopted by 193 countries and the goals will [hopefully] be achieved by 2030. […]



How Do We Approach Achieving The Sustainable Development Goals?

September 10, 2020 · 1 Comment · SDGs, Uncategorized

What Are The Sustainable Development Goals: The sustainable development goals are a set of amazing initiatives to end the world’s many issues to better the quality of life of the world’s population. They consist of 17 categories created in 2015 with an expected achievement by 2030. These issues span all varieties like access to water, […]



3 Reasons Why We Need To Know More About SDGs

September 10, 2020 · 1 Comment · SDGs, Uncategorized

3 REASONS WHY WE NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT SDGs If you are here and you are wondering what SDGs mean and why we should  know more about them, don’t worry – you are not the only one. According to the Global Economic Forum 50% of responders in the United States have never heard of […]



SDGs, have you heard of them? The United States’ involvement, or lack thereof.

September 10, 2020 · No Comments · SDGs, Uncategorized

SDGs stands for “Sustainable Development Goals:” sustainable, meaning able to be maintained at and upheld to a certain level; development, referring to growth and advancement; and goals, referring to the achievements the effort aims to address. The SDGs were created in 2015 amongst 193 United Nation countries as a follow up to the 2000 Millennium […]



Blog 1 – SDG

September 9, 2020 · No Comments · SDGs

“We have the power to write the future we want for our country. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.” – Joe Biden The Sustainable Development Goals are a calling for all nations to seek optimal health and well being for both people and the planet. If successful this initiative will end poverty, improve the quality of […]



Vision for the world 2030-Sustainable development goals

September 8, 2020 · No Comments · SDGs, Uncategorized

Sustainable development goals are a list of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations and it’s 193 member countries. The SDGs provide a vision for a better and more sustainable future by 2030. No poverty Zero hunger Good health and well being Quality education Gender equality Clean water and sanitation Affordable and clean energy Decent […]



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