Health systems comprise of people, institutions, and resources to meet the health needs of populations. With a robust adjusted health system’ that seeks to meet the needs of different individuals, countries can focus on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, disease control, violence prevention, and improving individuals’ physical or mental health needs. Countries with efficient and effective access […]
Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'
Health Care Systems: Too Far to Reach?
February 15, 2021 · 1 Comment · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
Competition of the 21st Century: United States vs. Germany – Which Healthcare System Is Superior?
February 15, 2021 · 1 Comment · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
In the past year, our world experienced something that many would have never thought would ever occur…a global pandemic. The Coronavirus or as some would like to abbreviate it as COVID-19, became an enemy of the world and with that has caused strain on healthcare systems and economies on numerous countries across the globe (Peter […]
Similarities and Differences Between the Health Systems in Australia & USA
February 15, 2021 · 1 Comment · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
Australia and the United States are two very different countries. They are far away from each other, have contrasting fauna and flora, differ immensely by population, and have vastly different healthcare systems. The United States has a population of 331 million people, compared to Australia’s population of 25.5 million people. […]
The U.S. Healthcare System vs. Japan
February 15, 2021 · 2 Comments · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
What’s the DL on the US Healthcare system? The United States is known as the most powerful country in the world according to and The question however is not about how powerful the country is in terms of its strength or firepower, rather about its healthcare. Where does the US healthcare system rank? […]
Tags:global health·GSUGLOBALHEALTH·Healthcare·Healthcare System
Beyond K-Pop: A Glimpse at South Korea’s Healthcare System
February 15, 2021 · No Comments · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized

Over the past two decades, South Korean pop culture has grown in prominence to become a significant driver of global culture. Whether you have listened to K-pop on your local radio station (BTS, Black Pink, IU, Crush, and LeeHi are a few of my favorites), watched a K-drama on Netflix (too many good ones to […]
Tags:COVID-19·global health·GSUGLOBALHEALTH·Healthcare·Healthcare System·Korea·South Korea·United States
The U.S. Healthcare System: A Brief Overview and Comparison
February 15, 2021 · No Comments · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
Everyone knows that the United States is a first world country, but does a first world country forget to prioritize healthcare? The United States is a democracy with a commercial economy, laws set in place, and a high standard of living. Other countries with lower incomes and less stable democracies often look at us, the […]
United States vs UK’s Health System
February 14, 2021 · 1 Comment · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized

The US has some of the worst health outcomes and the highest healthcare cost in comparison to other countries. As one of the most technologic and industrialized countries in the world, the US should have one of the highest life expectancies. Instead, the US is a leading country in suicide rates, chronic […]
Is Socialized Medicine as Bad as it Sounds?
February 12, 2021 · No Comments · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
Many Americans immediately assume the worst when they hear the words “Socialized Medicine”. Americans are fed horror stories about how individuals in countries that have socialized medicine have to wait months or even years to see a doctor or how the treatments they are seeking aren’t even available in those countries. With little knowledge of […]
How is the Healthcare System on the other side of the World? Comparing the United States Healthcare to Australia’s
February 12, 2021 · No Comments · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
The most important sector of public health is the prevention of diseases, and a large part of prevention is receiving the necessary care to see the signs. However, systems vary vastly from country to country. Let’s compare the difference between the United States Healthcare system and a country on the other side of the world, […]
Health Systems: US vs the World
February 12, 2021 · 2 Comments · Health Care Systems, Uncategorized
Along with GDP, education level/literacy rate, and life-expectancy, assessing how well a nation is able to provide its citizens with access to health care can be very informative. Health care systems are made up of patients utilizing the system, health care providers, and resource suppliers whether that be insurance companies or medical equipment manufacturers. Observing […]