Upcoming Events

Coming up:   March 28, 2016  CNN Digital’s Jan Winburn

 25 Park Place, 8th floor large conference room.  

When:  11 a.m.- 12 p.m.

The GSU Journalism writing center is thrilled to offer the opportunity for our students to meet CNN’s Jan Winburn.

Winburn is the Senior Enterprise Editor at CNN Digital.   She describes herself as a fan of true stories and passionate writers. 

Winburn also teaches at the prestigious Poynter Institute.  She will share resume building tips, industry directions in digital journalism and storytelling techniques.   


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Getting it Right When You Write

We are a resource center for all GSU students enrolled in  Journalism and PR courses. We offer writing development through one-on-one consultations, tutorials online and and drop-in sessions.   Find us at 25 Park Place, 8’th Floor.

Our tutors are proficient in helping with grammar, punctuation and AP style issues. They can also assist with larger editing concerns, such as structure and clarity. You can simply drop by during walk-in hours, or schedule a specific appointment.  Appointments are encouraged! See our home or tutor pages for links.

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