Bill Bompart Teaching Excellence Award Nomination Form

Nominations for the 2024 award are invited from GMATYC members. Nominations are due January 12, 2024. Non-members, such as a supervisor, may nominate a GMATYC member. Members may nominate themselves. A completed nomination packet consists of a:

• Nomination Form (to be completed online below)

• Cover letter from the nominator (to be uploaded within the online form below, in PDF format)
(not to exceed 3 pages, in at least a 12-point font)

• Resume or vita of the nominee (emailed by nominee)
(not to exceed 3 pages, in at least a 12-point font)

• Letters of recommendation from each of: a student, a colleague, and a supervisor (emailed by nominee)
(not to exceed 1 page, in at least a 12-point font)

• Summary of the candidate’s most recent student evaluations (emailed by nominee)
(not to exceed 2 pages,12-point font)

Once you (the nominator) complete this nomination form, it is your responsibility to contact the nominee and have them submit their resume (or vita), their letters of recommendation, and the summary of their student evaluations to the award committee chair at These five documents must be submitted in a single PDF file.

Policy dictates that additional information will NOT be considered.

Bill Bompart submissions
Please enter the name of the person you are nominating (first and last)
Please enter the time (in years and months) that the nominee has been teaching full-time at the associates degree level.
Please enter your full name (first and last)

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Only PDFs will be accepted

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