
46. Brown, W.; Li, Y.; Yang, R.; Wang, D.; Kvetny, M.; Zheng, H.; Wang, G.*, Deconvolution of electroosmotic flow in hysteresis ion transport through single asymmetric nanopipettes. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11 (23), 5950-5958. link

45. Chen, S.;  Ma, H.;  Padelford, J. W.;  Qinchen, W.;  Yu, W.;  Wang, S.;  Zhu, M.; Wang, G.*, Near Infrared Electrochemiluminescence of Rod-Shape 25-Atom AuAg Nanoclusters That Is Hundreds-Fold Stronger Than That of Ru(bpy)3 Standard. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141 (24), 9603-9609.(supplementary cover) link

44. Li, Y.;  Kvetny, M.;  Bowen, M.;  Brown, W.;  Wang, D.; Wang, G.*, Method To Directly Measure and Actively Control a Single Nucleation-Crystal Growth Process. Crystal Growth & Design 2019, 19 (4), 2470-2475. link

43. Wang, G.*; Brown, W.; Kvetny, M., Structure and dynamics of nanoscale electrical double layer. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (invited review) 2019, 13, 112-118. link

42. Wang, D.; Brown, W.; Li, Y.; Kvetny, M.; Liu, J.; Wang, G.* Hysteresis Charges in the Dynamic Enrichment and Depletion of Ions in Single Conical Nanopores. ChemElectroChem (invited, special issue) 2018, 5 (20), 3089-3095. link

41. Wang, T.; Ma, H.; Padelford, J. W.; Lobo, E.; Tran, M. T. Zhao, F.; Fang, N.; Wang. G.* Metal Ions-Modulated Near-Infrared Electrochemiluminescence from Au Nanoclusters Enhanced by HEPES Buffer at Physiological pH Electrochimica Acta (invited, special issue) 2018, 282, 369-376. link

40. Wang, D.; Brown, W.; Li, Y.; Kvetny, M.; Liu, J.; Wang, G.*Correlating Non-zero Crossing in Pinched Hysteresis Current-potential Curves with Nanogeometry and Surface Factors in Single Conical Nanopores Anal. Chem.,2017,  89 (21), 11811-11817. link

39. Zhou, M.; Zeng, C.; Song, Y.; Padelford, J. W.; Wang, G.; Sfeir, M.; Higaki, T.; Jin, R.* On the Non-Metallicity of 2.2 nm Au246(SR)80 Nanoclusters Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56 (51), 16257-16261. link

38. Padelford, J.; Zhou, M.; Chen, Y.; Jin, R.; Wang, G.* Electronic Transitions in Highly Symmetric Au130 Nanoclusters by Spectroelectrochemistry and Ultrafast Spectroscopy J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (39), 21217-21224. link

37. Wang, T.; Padelford, J. W.; Ma, H.; Gubitosi-Raspino, M. F.; Wang, G.* Near IR Electrochemiluminescence from Au Nanoclusters Enhanced by EDTA and Modulated by Ions         ChemElectroChem, 2017, 4, 1697-1701 (Invited, Special Issue, back cover) link

36. Wang, D.; Wang, G.* Dynamics of Electric Double Layer in Single Conical Nanopores    J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 779, 39-46 (Invited Review) link

35. Wang, T.; Wang, D., Padelford, J. W., Jie Jiang, Wang, G.* Near Infrared Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence from Aqueous Soluble Lipoic Acid Au Nanoclusters J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (20), 6380–6383 (JACS spotlight) link

34. Padelford, J. W.; Wang, T. Wang, G.* Enabling Electrochemical Activity studies of Aqueous soluble Au Nanoclusters by Phase Transfer ChemElectroChem, 2016, 3, 1201-1205 (Invited, Special Issue) link

33. Wang, D.; Padelford, J.; Ahuja, T.; and Wang. G.* Transitions in Discrete Absorption Bands of Au130 Clusters upon Stepwise Charging by Spectroelectrochemistry ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (8), 8344–8351 link

32. Wang, T.; Viennois, E., Merlin, D.; and Wang, G. One-step Label-free Detection of miRNAs on Microelectrode Sensors with Enzymeless Electrochemical Signal Amplification Anal. Chem., 2015, 87 (16), 8173–8180 link

31. Ahuja, T.; Wang, D.; Tang, Z.; Robinson, D. A.; Padelford, J. W. and Wang. G.* Electronic Coupling between Ligand and Core Energy States in Dithiolate-Monothiolate Stabilized Au Clusters        Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015,17, 19342-19349 link

30. Jiang, J. Conroy, C. V.; Ahuja, T.; Lake, G.; Padelford, J. and Wang, G.* Oxidation at the Core-ligand Interface of Au Lipoic Acid Nanoclusters that Enhances the Near IR Luminescence   J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118 (35), 20680–20687 link

29. Li, Y.; Wang, D.; Kvetny, M.; Brown, W. Liu, J.; Wang, G.* History-dependent Ion Transport through Conical Nanopipettes and the Implications in Energy Conversion Dynamics at Nanoscale Interfaces   Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 588-595 link

28. Conroy, C. V.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, C.; Ahuja, T.; Tang, Z.; Prickett, C. A.; Yang, J.; Wang. G.* Enhancing Near IR Luminescence of Thiolate Au Nanoclusters by Thermo Treatments and Heterogeneous Subcellular Distributions Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 7416-7423 link

27. Wang, D.; Kvetny, M.; Liu, J.; Brown, W.; Li, Y.; Wang, G.*Physical Origin of Dynamic Ion Transport Features through Single Conical Nanopores at Different Bias Frequencies Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 1827-1832 link

26. Tlahuice-Flores, A.; Santiago, U.; Bahena, D.; Vinogradova, E.; Conroy, C. V.; Ahuja, T.; Bach, S. B. H.; Ponce, A.; Wang, G.; Jose-Yacaman, M.; Whetten, R. L. On the Structure of the Thiolated Au130 Cluster    J. Phys. Chem. A, 2013, 117 (40), 10470-10476 link

25. Liu, J.; Wang, D.; Kvetny, M.; Brown, W.; Li, Y.; Wang, G.* Quantification of Steady-State Ion Transport through Single Conical Nanopores and a Nonuniform Distribution of Surface Charges Langmuir, 2013, 29, 8743-8752 link

24. Zhang, J.*; Fu, Y.; Conroy, C. V.; Tang, Z.; Li, G.; Zhao, R.; Wang, G.* Fluorescence Intensity and Lifetime Cell Imaging with Luminescent Gold Nanoclusters J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116 (50), 26561-26569 link

23. Liu, J.; Wang, D.; Kvetny, M.; Brown, W.; Li, Y.; Wang, G.* Noninvasive Surface Coverage Determination of Chemically Modified Nanodevices that Rectify Ion Transport Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 6926-6929 link

22. Tang, Z.; Ahuja, T.; Wang, G.* Near Infrared Luminescence of Gold Nanoclusters Affected by the Bonding of 1, 4-Dithiolate Durene and Monothiolate Phenylethanethiolate Nanoscale 2012, 4, 4119-4124 link

21. Wang, D.; Kvetny, M.; Liu, J.; Brown, W.; Li, Y.; Wang, G.* Transmembrane Potential across Single Nanopores and the Resulting Memristive and Memcapacitive Ion Transport J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 3651-3654 link

20. Liu, J.; Kvetny, M.; Feng, J.; Wang, D.; Wu. B.; Brown, W. Wang, G.* Surface Charge Density Determination of Single Conical Nanopores Based on Normalized Ion Current Rectification      Langmuir 2012, 28, 1588-1595 link

19. Tang, Z.; Robinson, D. A.; Bokossa, N.; Xu, B.; Wang, S.; Wang, G.* Mixed Dithiolate Durene-DT and Monothiol Phenylethanethiolate Protected Au130 Nanoparticles with Discrete Core an Core-Ligand Energy States J. Am. Chem. Soc.   2011, 133, 16037-16044 link

18. Brown, W.; Kvetny, M.; Liu, J. Wang, G.* Cationic and Anionic Transport through Single Nanopipettes ECS Transactions 2011, vol. 33 (19), 1-8 link

17. Tang, Z.; Xu, B.; Wu. B.; Robinson, D. A.; Bokossa, N.; Wang, G.* Monolayer Reactions of Protected Au Nanoclusters with Monothiol Tiopronin and 2, 3-Dithiol Dimercaptoproponic Sulfonate    Langmuir 2011, 27, 2989-2996 link

16. Zheng, N.; Johnson, J. P.; Williams, C. C.; Wang, G. Electronic characterization of Monolayer Protected Gold Clusters by Single Electron Tunneling Force Spectroscopy  Nanotechnology, 21 (2010) 295708 link

15. Feng, J.; Liu, J.; Wu, B.; Wang, G.* Impedance Characteristics of Amine Modified Single Glass Nanopores Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 4520-4528 link

14. Tang, Z.; Xu, B.; Wu. B.; Germann, M. W.; Wang, G.* Synthesis and Structural Determination of Multidentate 2,3-Dithiol-Stabilized Au Clusters J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 3367-3374 link


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10. Wang, G.; Guo, R.; Kalyuzhny, G.; Choi, J.-P. and Murray, R. W. NIR Luminescence Intensities Increase Linearly with Proportion of Polar Thiolate Ligands in Protecting Monolayers of Au38 and Au140 Quantum Dots J. Phys. Chem. B2006, 110, 20282 link

9. Menard, L. D.; Gao, S.; Xu, H.; Twesten, R. D.; Harper, A. S.; Song, Y.; Wang, G.; Douglas, A. D.; Yang, J. C.; Frenkel, A. I.; Nuzzo, R. G. and Murray, R. W. Sub-Nanometer Au Monolayer Protected Clusters Exhibiting Molecule-Like Electronic Behavior: Quantitative HAADF-STEM and Electrochemical Characterization of Clusters with Precise Atomic Stoichiometry J. Phys. Chem. B2006,110, 12874 link

8. Menard, L. D.; Xu, H.; Gao, S.; Twesten, R. D.; Harper, A. S.; Song, Y.; Wang, G.; Douglas, A. D.; Yang, J. C.; Frenkel, A. I.; Murray, R. W. and Nuzzo, R. G. Metal Core Bonding Motifs of Monodisperse Icosahedral Au13 and Larger Au Monolayer-Protected Clusters As Revealed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy J. Phys. Chem. B2006,110, 14564 link

7. Cheng, P. P. H.; Silvester, D.; Wang, G.; Kalyuzhny, G.; Douglas, A.; Murray, R. W. Dynamic and Static Quenching of Fluorescence by 1-4 nm Diameter Gold Monolayer-Protected Clusters J. Phys. Chem. B 2006,110, 4637 link

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1.Wang, G.; Zhang, J. and Murray, R. W.  DNA binding of an ethidium intercalator attached to a monolayer-protected gold cluster Anal. Chem. (accelerated article)2002,74, 4320 link