Want to Contribute?
The D.A.M.N Magazine is about including all perspectives and giving anyone who wants to express their story a place to do so. Because of this, we’re creating a video to share the experiences of our community. Whether you’re an activist, reader, or simply a friend, we’d love to have to contribute to our project.
To contribute, please first send one of us (Justin or August) an email at the contacts below and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Once you’ve let us know you want to participate, record a video of yourself answering the questions below. Make sure you’re comfortable- this is a casual thing, we just want to hear your story, so don’t worry about sharing too little or too much. If there’s anything you’d like to add beyond the questions, such as anecdotes the questions prompt or personal facts, please do so. The video is for you to talk about your personal experience related to disability.
The video will be presented on our website and YouTube channel. If you have any worries about anonymity, contact one of us and we can help you work it out. We’re here to collaborate with you!
Justin Brown- brownjustin614@gmail.com
August Butler- lbutler30@gsu.edu
If you’re talking about yourself –
- Tell us a little about you (can be related to disability or not, whatever you like).
- How would you define your disability?
- If you would be considered disabled by traditional definitions but don’t self-identify as disabled, why not?
- If you have one, what is your diagnosis?
- When, how, and why were you diagnosed?
- How has your disability impacted your life?
- Personally
- Socially
- Institutionally (education, employment, etc)
- Economically
- What are the negative and positive aspects of being disabled?
- How has your disability been a barrier?
- How has it been an advantage?
- Tell us a story about a time your disability was a barrier, and one about how it was an advantage.
- How do these experiences make you feel about your disability?
- Have you found a community in your disability? Has it isolated you?
- Are you proud of your disability identity?
- Why? Why not?
If you’re talking about someone you know-
- Who are you sharing about, and what’s your relationship to them?
- Tell us a little about them (can be related to disability or not, whatever you like).
- How do they define their disability?
- How has their disability impacted their life?
- Personally
- Socially
- Institutionally (education, employment, etc)
- Economically
- How have they impacted your life?
- How has their disability impacted your life?
- How has being close to someone with a disability impacted how you view disability?
- Do you have different perceptions of disability than others?
- Do you understand what disability is more than others?
- How has their disability impacted your relationship?
- How do they view their disability?
- If you’re not sure, you can skip/speculate.
- How do you feel about the fact that they’re disabled?
- What are the negative parts of their disability? What are the positives?
- Tell us a story about them that relates to their disability.
- How do your experiences with them make you feel about disability?
Thank you for participating! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.