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The Medical Model vs. The Social Model of Disability  

The Medical Model vs. The Social Model of Disability   By Marina Fishman George E. P. Box once said, “all models are wrong, but some are useful.” This has now become a saying in the academic community, and it can be… Continue Reading →

Deaf Culture

Deaf culture by Trinh There are many different variants of deafness and the deaf culture. Many people become deaf when they were just born or as they grow older. There are many different reasons a person can become deaf. Many… Continue Reading →

The Sensitivity of Disability Rhetoric

Written by Nora Lane We use rhetoric every day unconsciously discussing our talking points on social media, politics, movies, and other wide variety of subjects. However, when approaching more delicate subjects at hand such as Women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and… Continue Reading →

Disability In TV & Film

Written by Yaheimy Rosado Is it ok for nondisabled actors to play disabled characters? When it comes to Hollywood, there is rarely any inclusion of people with disabilities. In those times where there is, it’s usually portrayed by an able-bodied… Continue Reading →

Ways Technology Can Be Made More Accessible

Written by Kar Reh  “So these are some of the features that, if you design for your apps to be accessible, will allow greater access for people with disabilities. But don’t stop there, keep innovating, keep thinking of new ways… Continue Reading →

Hakum’s Blurb

“The Autism Research Project is something that our group takes pride in. Led by our leader Marina Fishman, we seek out those with autism to find out more about them and how their experiences differ from others with the same… Continue Reading →

Inspirational Porn

Inspirational Porn By Tiffany Santiago   What is inspiration porn you are probably asking yourself? Well, I can almost guarantee that you’ve seen some form of it. Inspiration porn is the use of disabled people to make abled-bodied people feel inspired or as Stella Young mentioned in her Ted talk it is… Continue Reading →

History of Disability

History of Disability  By Jeremiah The history of disabilities is a long and complicated one. Disability is a wide range, so it’s challenging to find the culture or a community; therefore, there’s a cultural barrier when writing about its history… Continue Reading →

Eugenics and Disability

    Eugenics and Disability By Maira Khan You may be wondering what eugenics means. To put it into simple terms “Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,” which gained popularity during the early… Continue Reading →

The Intersection of Disability History and Culture

Disability history as we know it cannot be confined to being defined by one facet of time or culture. Disability history is, as Burch & Neilson put it in the text Beginning with Disability, ”…inextricably entangled with all other topics… Continue Reading →

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