

Intro to Disability Projects Groups Part 3

About a month ago we looked at about 5 out of the 9 active project groups in Dr. C’s Perspective on Disabilities Spring 2024 class. This week we will be looking at the rest of the groups minus 1 group…. Continue Reading →

“Emmanule’s Gift” – Movie Review

Recently for a class assignment we had to watch a movie called “Emmanuel’s Gift” and answer a few question, here are my thought from this assignment. Before I give my actual thoughts I share a quick summary. This movie is… Continue Reading →

“Tell Your Story Tuesday” – Uncle

*For clarification the person I am talking about is not actually a family member. The name “Uncle” is just what I call him because he gives off uncle vibes and he also wants to stay anonymous. Also I am telling… Continue Reading →

“Tell Your Story Tuesday” – Martha

This is the first installment of “Tell Your Story Tuesday” where I am going to share stories about or from permanently/temporarily disabled people. Today’s story will be from your truly. It is from the first time I was temporarily disabled… Continue Reading →

Intro to Disability Projects Groups Part 2

Last week we looked at 3 out of 9 of the active project groups in Dr. C’s Perspective on Disabilities Spring 2024 class. This week we will be looking at 2 more groups The Film Group and Afghan American Alliance… Continue Reading →

Intro to Disability Projects Groups

There are several groups projects taking place this Spring 2024 semester in Dr. C’s Perspective on Disabilities class. We have groups like the Accessibility Map Group, Clarkston Outreach Group, Film/Social Media Group, Afghan American Alliance of GA Group, Veteran Research… Continue Reading →

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