*For clarification the person I am talking about is not actually a family member. The name “Uncle” is just what I call him because he gives off uncle vibes and he also wants to stay anonymous. Also I am telling the story of a time when he was temporarily disable.*

Like I did in the last installment I will give a little background first.

Uncle is an avid soccer fan he literally eats, breaths, and sleeps soccer. For example about a couple months ago me, him, and my significant other went to a Korean BBQ for dinner. Literally in the middle of us eating he whips out his phone and is watching a whole soccer game. As if that wasn’t bad enough he is audibly reacting, in the actual restaurant, to the highs and lows of the game. I honestly thank God that it was loud in the restaurant and we were in the back because the embarrassment and second embarrassment of him acting like a child at times when his team would mess up had me wanting to literally evaporate.

The story I am about to tell is a true representation of how much he loves the game. At first glance you probably couldn’t tell but he also plays soccer every chance he get, he absolutely loves it. At times when he has no one to play the game with, he goes out on the field rain, sleet, or snow to practice and improve his skills.

That being said lets get into the story of how he was temporarily disabled a couple months ago. According to him one day he was playing soccer with a group of guys and at one point in the game him and another gentleman, in an effort to gain control of an airborne ball, both jumped up to catch the ball with their bodies. He was the first person to landed but unfortunately for him because of the way they were positioned when the other guy laned it so happened to be right on his ankle and Uncle was out for the count.

You would think he would take at least a week or two to heal up, but that wasn’t the case for him; he still went out onto the field almost every other after it happened. To him as long as he iced and massaged it he was good- it would heal eventually. Some would say that maybe it wasn’t bad enough for him to go to the doctor or take a break, but if you could actually see how swollen his foot was and the visible pain on his face as he walked you would understand why someone should have changed this man to his bed so he can safely heal.

In retrospect honestly even if he wasn’t playing soccer he was doing everything else because he is what I call the “ace of all spades” child- this terminology is totally made up by me, for me. Most families have that one family member that is the backbone of their family; this is the person who will lend a helping hand when you need it or the person that is always there for you- the “ace of all spades” child is that but for foreign families from countries that don’t primarily speak the langue of the county they are in. This child is almost 100 percent of the time the oldest person in the family that knows how to speak English or translate, can drive or can obtain reliable transportation, and has steady or reliable income, spare time, or both. This person does everything from making appointments to filing taxes. I’ll get into why it is specific to the group I mention on a future post but as of now I just wanted to explain it and make it known that I am not bashing this group of society I actually am an “ace of all spades” child myself, it is just a necessary evil at times.

Nonetheless he is an “ace of all spades” child, so regardless of if he was on the field or not he had responsibilities that unfortunately a swollen ankle was not going to stop. In the end like he said the ankle did eventually healed. He personally believes that it took longer than it should to heal because of his age and/or his “unhealthy” lifestyle i.e. a whole box of chocolate chip cookies for a snack, but we all know it is because he is an “it will fix itself” type of guy.