Summarizing The Innovation Campus by Alexandra Lange

In this article, Lange takes us into the new age of the college educational experience.  Both public and private Universities are taking a giant entrepreneurial and innovative step towards buildings that could be dubbed as “Think Tanks”.  Colleges are trying to increase creativity and innovation in the student body by constructing buildings that incorporate less privacy and more social interaction.  Some are moving on from the traditional classroom setting and intend to, as well as rethinking the offices for faculty.  These offices would not be closed off and would be completely open.  The cost of attendance at these colleges are most likely going to increase due to the prestige that comes with attending these progressive colleges.  One college makes an example of this in their new residence halls that have built-in creative learning spaces, as opposed to the cheaper price of their traditional dorms.  Colleges investing into new and innovative working environments could be on the heels of changing education in every aspect.

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