Life as a student that pays for everything

My whole financial escapade starts back in the summer when I was told by various Georgia State staff that my financial aid would be enough to cover my tuition, books, and housing if I stayed in the University Commons.  Under this presumption, I spent all summer working and not saving a single penny (bad idea).  Once the start of the semester got closer, I started to ask more in depth about my financial aid and learned that I would have to pay for my housing out of pocket since all of my aid did not go through (which comes out to around $900 a month). After scrambling around for an insane amount of money that would be due in a couple of days, my father graciously loaned me the money to cover it as long as I paid him back monthly.

Currently, I work at least 40 hours a week at a pizza place on Edgewood.  I wish I could work less, but I have no choice in order to keep repaying my loan from my father and having enough money for necessary items.  It is tough sometimes, between making time for work, school, and a social life.  Recently I’ve been have scheduling conflicts with work and school that have been sorted out, but have resulted in a decline in my grades.  Next semester my financial aid should go through to where I won’t have to spend all of my money on housing.  If you are thinking about working instead of taking financial aid, I suggest you rethink.



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