Project II was interesting and challenging for me because I enjoy painting and drawing but do not have a drawing or painting background. The project consisted in 3 art projects: a one-point perspective, a two point perspective and an atmospheric perspective. We would also need to use specific media: one should be done in black or tan paper, using terra-cotta and white pencil, one using crow quill pen and ink wash and the last one using watercolor pencils.
I chose to have my one point perspective done with the black paper, terra-cotta and white pencils; the two point perspective using crow quill pen and ink wash and for the atmospheric one I used watercolor pencils.
This project helped me learn a little bit about myself: Things don’t need to be perfect to have beauty in them. You can still accomplish something of value even though your skill level is not quite there yet. Also, I loved to use crow quill pen and ink wash. It makes the drawings so rich and beautiful. Watercolor pencil was challenging for me but I will give it another try.