These two posters were my take on a compassion poster- I chose a cause I felt passionate about and created two works of art that called to two separate audiences of the cause. As a mental health advocate, I am incredibly passionate about mental health, especially Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). My first poster addresses people who have BPD; I wanted to give a message of hope that celebrates one of the defining aspects of BPD: intense emotions. While intense emotions prove difficult for those with BPD, there is beauty in feeling such vibrant feelings. I want to give hope to people who struggle with BPD and inspire them to love that part of themselves. My second poster addresses people misinformed about BPD, who spread hateful rhetoric and contribute to the stigma. I wanted to show in a metaphorical sense of how misinformed words add to the pollution that is the stigma of BPD. I included some comments I personally have received when speaking out about the illness. I want people who have bias against BPD to rethink their words, and hopefully do some self-reflection.