All timelines, slideshows, and images are author created, save for:
- “Iceberg,” by Uwe Kil on Wikicommons, under CC 3.0, and edited in photoshop.
- “Self Portrait – Andy Warhol, Pop Life Exhibition, Tate Modern, London,” by Jim Linwood on, under CC 2.o.
- “Self-Portrait,” by Emmanuel Leutze, under CC 0.0 (1865).
- “Self-Portrait,” by Marian Szczyrbuła, under CC 0.0 (1921).
Works Cited
- “Alienation.” Oxford Living Dictionary. 2018.
- Anderson, Sherwood. “At Home and Abroad: American Fiction Between the Wars.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 2, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 814.
- Belasco, Johnson, and Linck Johnson. The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition. Vol. 1, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2014.
- Belasco, Johnson, and Linck Johnson. The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition. Vol. 2, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2014.
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 2, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 666.
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “The American Scholar.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 1, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 811.
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “Nature.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 1, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 781.
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “Self-Reliance.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 1, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 824.
- Frost, Robert. “Desert Places.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 2, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 569.
- Hemingway, Ernest. “A Very Short Story.” Pantheon.
- Norton, Laura. “Hemingway.” Mar. 2018. Powerpoint presentation.
- Norton, Laura. “Modernism.” Feb. 2018. PowerPoint presentation.
- Pound, Ezra. “A Few Don’ts From an Imagiste.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 2, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 530.
- “Solitude.” Oxford Living Dictionary. 2018.
- Stein, Gertrude. “At Home and Abroad: American Fiction Between the Wars.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 2, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 812.
- “Transcendentalism.” Context for American Romanticism. Handout. (Professor Laura Norton.) Georgia State University. Feb. 2018. Print.
- Thoreau, Henry David. “I Was Made Erect and Lone.” Poetry Foundation.
- Whitman, Walt. “Song of Myself.” The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Second Edition, vol. 1, edited by Belasco, Susan, and Linck Johnson, 2014, pp. 1393.