How to Order the Curriculum

Only professionals who have attended our professional training workshop can obtain the Foundations for Literacy curriculum. We will send all attendees who attend the 16 hour training workshop an order form to purchase Foundations for Literacy. Sign up on our training page.

Foundations for Literacy curriculum includes:

  1. A 398-page manual with a scope and sequence, instructional strategies, and daily lesson plans for the year-long intervention. Lesson plans include teacher and student objectives and provide a full description of daily activities.Foundations Materials
  2. A set of essential, reusable materials that are key to the implementation of the intervention. These include 700 pages printed on high-quality cardstock, one bound My Practice Book and 26 reading booklets.
  3. A jump drive containing PDF files of the essential, reusable materials, additional materials for practice activities, parent pages in English and Spanish for every unit and ASL videos of unit stories and songs

Total Cost. $514.00
We recommend one kit per classroom.

New for 2020!

Supplemental Fingerspelling materials. We have developed materials that support children’s fingerspelling skills. These are not included in the basic kit but are strongly recommended for signing children. Costs $68.

Information about Foundations for Literacy can be obtained by emailing us at


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