“In the midst of this imagining, I heard, out from nowhere, the distant sound of sleigh bells. I was going crazy. But there, right in front of me, across the street, was a horse – chestnut, with white spots – trotting down the street. It trotted along purposefully, cheerfully, unhurried, down Broadway. Holding my breath, I managed to find my phone and snap a photo before it disappeared from sight, obstructed by other buildings. Did I really see that?” (Ma 253). For this photo, I selected an image of a horse walking down the streets of Frankfurt, Germany. Relating to the primary text, this is significant as pictures can document happenings that are random, and it can happen at any time, and yet people will not believe it until they see it. Maybe that is why she said, “I added a caption: If a horse rides through Times Square and no one is there to see it, did it happen?” (Ma 253). Granted, it is not the same horse, and the image was not shot in the same area, but it can infer what is going on. This also goes with the concern I had for movement through time. There are moments in life that can pop up in any moment.