Food for thought: what color is the most notable when heading outdoors? Perhaps the most common answer is green. Green is one of the colors used in the RGB model as a primary, along with red and blue. There are various shades of green used in the world. For example, the US dollar, trees, grass, green beans, apples, lettuce, the Mexican flag, the Brazilian flag, and the Monster Energy logo, just to name a few. But what does it represent? What is green associated with? People say it represents growth, good health, nature, luck, life, hope, wealth, happiness, among other things. These pictures will explore this concept with the premise of the audience making these associations of their own.
- f5.6 @ 1/160 @ ISO 200
- f3.5 @ 1/60 @ ISO 100
- f4.8 @ 1/1000 @ ISO 100
- f3.5 @ 1/60 @ ISO 400
- f4 @ 1/250 @ ISO 400
- f5.6 @ 1/80 @ ISO 400
- f3.5 @ 1/400 @ ISO 400
- f5.6 @ 1/100 @ ISO 100
- f4.5 @ 1/200 @ ISO 400
- f3.5 @ 1/200 @ ISO 100
- f5.6 @ 1/160 @ ISO 100
- f5.6 @ 1/500 @ ISO 100
- f5.6 @ 1/250 @ ISO 100
- f5.6 @ 1/500 @ ISO 100
- f5.6 @ 1/320 @ ISO 100
- Final Presentation