October 4

The Courtyard

The Georgia State buildings stand tall, enclosing a space for people and students, with many seats and bushes, and creates the Courtyard. The Courtyard, which is one Emily’s favorite “happy” places. Under a tall, slender girl with pale skin and short blonde hair’s feet, is lots of concrete, a dirty, disheveled color, creating a floor; To her left, a small concrete patterned bridge, goes over the road, connecting the Courtyard to the building Classroom South. Plastic and metal chairs, seats, and tables fill the space, luring students and the few lingering pedestrians in to sit down, and fill their space. Around noon, all the seats are almost filled.  There’s tall white tents set up, large white posts with a white sheet thrown across the top, selling cool merchandise, like Emily likes, and offering part time jobs to the surrounding people. Every corner of the Courtyard is filled with something, another door to a building, which opens and closes as people enter and leave, letting out the quick cool breeze to ease the heat, or stairs leading in or out of the Courtyard.

There’s a circle, filled with students and people smoking, and they all chatter to each other about something between each puff. Surrounding the beautiful fountain with clear waters and a blue underlying tone beneath it, are bushes, edging the sides of the buildings. The edgings have concrete slabs poking out, and were made perfectly in the shape of a bench. This, is also where people sit. A petite, dark complexed girl with long brown hair stands up from the concrete slabs, with a look of un comfort as her thighs peel off the rough concrete slab, and walking off with a distinct pattern from sitting on the rear side of her thighs. In the corner, by herself reading a large novel in the shade, is a young lady, with dark skin, smooth and creamy as chocolate, sitting on the dusty concrete floor, with her back rested upon the skyscraper buildings. Another concrete slab pokes out from the building, and shelters her from the rays of sunlight.

Around the girl lost in her book is a tall, muscular guy sitting at a table eating a quite large sandwich filled with some meat. The muscles in his arm as it moves up and down gently flexes. The table to his right has two girls at it, one has her brown curly hair in a ponytail, twirling it as they speak, and leaning back in her chair. The other, her dark wavy hair blows slightly in the breeze and moves a bit as her hands fly in the air back and forth, up and down. Theres a ramp, narrow and short, beside a small flight of stairs; a girl, pushes a cart filled with various items down the ramp, and as the speed increases, she follows behind, grabbing it, and making it slow down.

The Courtyard is filled with so many different people, the population being very diverse. Emily loves the diversity, and how everyone interacts with each other. Theres people advertising, which is a group of people, theres people studying at the tables, which is another set of people. People sit and people watch on the rough benches, or stop and take a minute break before the next class. The Courtyard is filled with posters of students, petitions, advertisements, and the heart of the heart, the fountain. The girl with dark black hair, sitting on the edge by the fountain drinking saxbys coffee and listening to music with her headphones in, stands up, slings her book bag over her shoulder and walks off into the distance.

October 4

Dining- Final

The dining hall at Patton Hall is a place where students, staff, faculty, and visitors can dine. To enter the dining hall, first enter through the lobby of Patton, where you can already smell the food being cooked, to approach the three clear gates that are solid and waist high. These open down the middle once your finger print is approved by the scanners that are located in between the gates. Once you are in, you can smell the strong coffee being brewed and the bacon being cooked, along with the sweet smells of fruit.  After walking in, immediately walk down a few stairs into the main dining space. On the right and left, the walls are covered with large, floor to ceiling, windows that let in light from the city. Also on the left is a variety of small tables with only two chairs to large tables that seat up to twelve chairs. All of the tables are white and the chairs are either sky blue, turquoise, or a lime green. In the sea of tables are tiled cylinders that reach the ceiling that hold silverware and condiments on stainless steel platforms around the cylinders. These thick, pole-like cylinders are coated with blue and green circular tiles. On the right are the booths that stretch down to the second set of stairs. These booths have plush seats that can hold at least six people per booth. The second set of stairs leads down to the serving area. Dessert items, ice cream, coffee, and waffle makers are to the right and on the left is a serving station that typically serves hot dogs and hamburgers. Around the corner from the hot dogs and burgers is a salad bar. On the back wall is a sandwich bar and other serving areas that serve different food every day and for every meal. As you turn the final corner to go back up to the main dining area, the dish disposal is on the right just after the cereals and milk tables and another serving area that normally has fries and pizza is on the left. Up the stairs into the main dining area and to the right is an assortment of drinks: sodas, juices, smoothies, and water. Also in the dining area, are televisions that are mounted on the ceiling above the windows that show previews of dining events on campus.

Many different types of people occupy this space. First of all, there are the staff that occupy the dining hall. The staff are people of all ages, gender, and race. The staff dresses in a uniform with a distinctive blue collared shirt with the GSU symbol that reads “Panther Dining” over where whoever is wearing its heart would be. The staff make omelets for students, refill cups by the drink dispensers, wipe off tables, set out fresh food, and many others tasks that are required to accommodate to the students using the dining hall. Today, one dining staff member is refilling the steaming, yellow scrambled eggs. The woman has hair dark brown hair pulled back which contrasts with her pale, sand colored skin. She is wearing the blue Georgia State collared shirt and wears clear gloves on her hands as she carefully places the pan of eggs into the steaming water on the counter. The other people that occupy the dining hall are mostly students on meal plans or have paid to eat at the dining because these are the only ways to have access to the dining hall. There are girls and boys coming in through the clear gates. Each person pauses while they wait for their fingerprint to be approved. Two boys similar in appearance are carrying book bags and skateboards. One of the boys is about 6 feet tall with short curly hair the chocolate and the other boy is only a few, maybe 2 inches, shorter has bleach blonde hair slicked back and parted on the left. The taller boy already mentioned piles his plate with a biscuit and gravy, bacon, and mixed fruit. He walks slowly, eying his plate with every step, to a table for two where the other boy is already sitting. One of the booths is occupied by only one person. She has no food on the table only her drink and an open notebook that she is flipping through. She has straight, black shoulder length hair and wears circular framed glasses. With every turn of the page in the notebook, she flips her hair behind her shoulders.

It’s the morning so the dining hall is filled with fewer people and is quiet. There is a slight humming noise that can be heard from the people in the space that are talking and the occasional sirens and horns from the traffic on the street outside. There is a girl that was walking in from the first set on stairs into the main dining area. She is holding her phone in her right hand as her left hand traced down the rail on the stairs. This girl has her dark brown hair pull back underneath a cameo baseball cap. Cayla is a student at Georgia State and she is on a meal plan. Cayla said she comes to the dining hall to eat when she doesn’t go to the other dining halls on campus. She said lives in Patton Hall so this is the most convenient dining hall for her personally. Cayla mentioned she liked the dining hall because there are tables big enough for her to sit with all her friends. She also mentioned that along with coming to the dining hall to eat, she views it as a place to hang out. After talking with Cayla, she goes to a table where 3 girls are already sitting down. She immediately pulls out a lime green chair, sits down, and begins talking and laughing with the other girls. Cayla is one of many other people in the dining hall today that is eating and talking with people at a table.

October 4

Perception of Space

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The space that I observed was an Advanced Algebra math class. Moments after the 8:30 bell rang, several figures rushed into the classroom. Some looking as if they hadn’t slept all night and others smiling from ear to ear. As I looked around the room, I noticed the rather bland tile that was in the ceiling. The tile was covered in gray specks and some even had brown stains from water damage. I noticed the old projector that was hanging from the. I seen the colorful posters that were displayed all across the classroom and a quote that says, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary” that was in big, bold red letters on the back wall.  I noticed how the teacher’s desk sat off to the left of the classroom and how his printer made weird noises for the entire hour and thirty minutes. I noticed how the desks were aligned as if they were army combats about to go to war. I noticed an interactive whiteboard that hung in the center of the classroom covered in what looked like lines of  blood because of the red marker that the teacher was using.  Near the classroom door, I seen 2 long, brown tables with silver metal legs that was holding four, very modern desktops. I noticed the gray trash can that sat near the door that was filled with candy wrappers, chip bags and soda bottles. I noticed the black construction paper that covered the window that was on the classroom’s door that made it to where no one could see in or out of the classroom.. Lastly, I noticed the gray and black fan that was in the back of the classroom making a lot of noise.

Each of the objects in the room has a specific purpose and sent a message to the students. For example, the alignment of the desks was to prevent the students from talking to each other and engaging in activities that they weren’t supposed to. The interactive whiteboard was used as an instructional tool for the students and the teachers. The whiteboard is also used for the purposes of keeping the student’s attention.. The desktops were there for the students to use. Being that, we live in a very tech-savvy world, it’s a necessity for the  students to have desktops in this space. The garbage can that sat near the door is used for the purposes of throwing trash away.The black construction paper is to stop other students that may be passing by from attempting to talk to the students from outside of the classroom.Lastly, the printer was there for the purposes of the teacher and students.

The people I saw in this space consisted of about 17 not engaged students and a very, very talkative teacher. The students were spread all across the classroom sitting in their desks. I noticed a group of about 3 or 4 boys in back of the classroom talking about the most recent football game. There were 3 girls sitting up front talking among themselves about something that I couldn’t quite hear. There was a couple sitting next to the 3 girls drawing on each other’s arms, giggling and smiling. There was a girl with pink hair sitting near the door asleep. She had been sleep since the teacher had collected the warm up. The other 7 students were engaged in other activities. They were either texting, doodling on the desk, or even sleeping. Then, there was the teacher. He was dressed in a purple button down shirt, with ashy black pants and black dress shoes. He stood at the center of the classroom with a red marker and a worksheet in his hand. He was trying to teach his students how to expand binomials. He was, however, having a hard time trying to grasp the attention of all 17 of his students. You can tell that he was highly frustrated because of the 4 veins that were popping out of his classroom.
I chose to interview the student that was sitting near the front of the classroom with the pink her hair. Her name was Diamond and she was a junior. She was student in the class and absolutely did not want to come to class. She told me that she was only there because she had too, not because she wanted, too. “What do you like about this space, Diamond”, I asked her. She thought about it for a second and then said, “I like the fact that there are bad students in the classroom that have all of my teacher’s attention. So, he doesn’t really know that I sleep his entire class period.” Writing down her response, I asked her the next couple of questions. She told me that she would change the curriculum in the class because she feels as if what they learn as students won’t benefit them in the long run. She said that she wasn’t really visiting the place, but knowing that she needs a high school diploma influences her to come to school. When I asked her would she recommend the space to others she said, “Of course, yes. Go to school kids and stay in school kids”. The final question that I asked her was, “Is there anything important to you inside of this space?” She answered by saying, “My phone, my lip gloss, my charger and my headphones.” I wrote down her final answer and thanked her for allowing me to interview her.My interviewee’s thoughts and feelings about the space directly correlates with my observations of the space. I observed that the students weren’t engaged in the space at all and had no true value of the space. Diamond even said that she sleeps in the classroom most of time which means that she isn’t here for purpose. The purpose in which is to learn.

October 4

The Classroom


When the doors of Aderhold’s classroom 212 open, many occupants walk in with slow movements. Most of them head straight for the top of the stairs that lead to the back of the room. Because many occupants sit in the back two rows of the classroom, the other occupants, the ones who are late to class, will be forced to sit in the front row due to the unavailability number of seats. The classroom is shaped like an amphitheater, with a staircase dividing the room in the middle. There are five rows across the room, with each row on a different elevation. There are two chestnut brown wooden tables on each row, having one table on one side of the staircase and one on the other side, giving a total of 10 tables inside the classroom. Each table is approximately 25 feet long with 14 built- in chairs that swivel out for the occupants to sit in. The top of the tables has a glossy finish with a tree trunk design. The tables’ legs are criss cross into an ‘x’ and are placed approximately every five feet of the table. The teacher’s desk, which positions near the front of the room at the bottom of the staircase, has a black table with an attached desktop computer and projector at the center of the desk. A white board with gray borders is attached to the wall behind her approximately 20 feet wide and 10 feet long. The right side of the room is lit brighter than the other side of the room. There are two exit door on each side of the classroom but the exit door on the right is locked while the left exit door is propped open with the trashcan.

As the clock strikes 1:00pm, the teacher slowly calls out roll, and the chatter among students begin to build. The noise begins to drown out the teacher’s timid voice until she yells everyone to be quiet. When the Professor begins the reading discussion, she walks around the room while interacting with other students by throwing examples from the required reading or asking questions about moral ethics.

Most of the occupants are all students with the exception of the professor. The students all come to Aderhold Room 212 so Professor Kubala can teach Youth Cultures to them every Monday from 1:00 to 2:40pm. Professor Kubala is approximately 5 feet 2 inches, dirty blond-hair lady wearing a mint green blouse with a gray pants suit. She often stays near or behind the teacher desk when talking, and occasionally looks down at her spiral notebook. While she is teaching, she calls on students to give their opinion on the discussion topic. During class, some students have their laptops out on the desk with different webpages on. Some students are doing homework from other classes, some take notes on their laptop, and some goes on Facebook or Reddit. The rest of the students who do not have their laptops out, have their notebooks out on the desk and are taking notes over the discussion or are secretly going on their phones.

The occupants in the classroom interact with each other during the discussion: the institutional involvement of gender roles. Most discussions are respectful as the occupants raise their hands and wait on to speak, but there are some aggressive arguments that ends with students yelling at each other. Miranda Anderson is one of the students in the classroom. She has straight, auburn hair with rectangle glasses that frame her face. She sits in the front row and often raises her hand to contribute to the class discussion. Anderson loves the Youth Cultures class, specifically because of the discussion. She loves hearing what her fellow students have to say about the topic, in this case, the social norms of pressuring gender roles. The occupants also interact with the objects within the room, such as the table and the chair. The students must sit on the chairs and use the tables in order to take good notes about the discussion that will help them study for the test later on. At the end of the class period, many of the occupants scramble down the stairs to rush out of the class or stay behind to talk to the Professor.

October 4

Dicks Sporting Goods

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Dicks Sporting Goods, mounted at the very top of the store’s entrance. It has a basketball ,soccer ball and a baseball in between its name. Inside the store, you will see different types of athletic wears, gears, sneakers etc. Pictures of top athletes wearing different kinds of sports brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Polo, Jordan etc. Each brand has it’s own space organized from the rest. In addition, sports products brands neatly arranged separately from each other, sneakers separated from clothes. Sales associates and other Dicks workers walk all around inside the store. Customer go around looking for their desired sports gears. They try some of the gears and gadgets on. The check out station is located close to the exit door. Security guards walk in the store in and out of the store.

The name of the store is mounted at the very top of the building to make it visible for people far from the store. Basketballs, baseball and soccer ball between the store’s name advertises what’s being sold in there. Moreover it gets the attention of people who engaged in sports. Pictures of athletes wearing different kinds of brands appeals to their fans, making customers want to buy and wear sports gears like their sports idols. People have different kinds of brands in which they are interested in buying their products, separating the brands from each other makes it faster and easier for customer to find what they desire. furthermore, Sneakers and clothes arranged separately at different corners makes looking for sneakers go straight to the sneakers section and those looking for gear clothing to also go straight to that section.

Dicks Sporting Goods is mostly occupied by customers and its workers. Workers often welcomes customers as soon as they enter the store. People try on some the sports gears with smiles on their faces. They look in the mirror whiles trying it on. A boy between age 3 and 5 picked up one of the football boots with “Seattle Seahawks” mascot on it. He kept his mother to buy it for him even though the size of the boot was way bigger than his leg. His mother told him,” i can’t buy this for you, it’s for adults”. His mother picked him up and placed him in the shopping cart, he kept insisting and crying over the boot. His mother paid for what she bought and exited the store but still this was still crying for the boots.

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People involved in sports such as school, professional athletes and sports fans often occupy this space  Customers from different kinds of ethnicity, short, tall, black, white etc. Shoppers in groups speaking different kinds of languages, different sexual orientations or genders, parents, children, ages between 2-50 years can be seen in the store most of the time. Sometime people occupy this space just to window shop without making any purchases.. Dicks employees walks around in the store in blue colored shirts and help customer find what they are looking for as well as answering customers questions. Security officers walks in and out most off of the time to make sure customers shop in a peaceful and secured surroundings.

After i was done analyzing the store, I approached a 5’9 African-American man wearing a blue shirt with the Nike logo on his left chest, blue jeans with headphones on in a Dicks sporting and goods store. I asked him his name, “Michael” he answered, and I told him am also called Prince. I asked him if I can ask him few questions about Dicks sporting goods, he happily said “yes” and I thanked him for the opportunity and willingness to spend a few minutes with me. I asked Michael his affiliation with Dicks, he told me he was a customer trying to buy a soccer shin guard. Michael  told me he comes to Dicks because he mostly finds want he wants, it’s convenience, and also it’s 2 miles from his house. Further more i asked him does he prefers shopping at dicks instead of other stores, he said he likes to shop at Dicks because it has a peaceful and calm environment and also it easy for him to find what he wants without wasting much time . I later on asked him if he wished to change anything about Dicks, Michael said if there is anything he will change about Dicks, it will be location of the fitting room and place more mirrors beside clothing shelves.He said because Dicks is mainly a store for sports products with a lot of athletic brands, and also items are neatly arranged in it’s position. Michael said he would definitely recommend Dicks to others, because it has quality products that last longer. In addition i asked how long he’s been shopping at dicks, Michael have been a customer of Dicks for almost 4 years. He has come across one  mean Dicks worker who was refusing to answer his questions and also help to help him find what he was looking for. In addition, michael asked a different worker to help him out, he also told the worker who helped him about the other been mean to him. I thanked him for his time and exited the store whiles he continued to shop.


October 4

Church- Revision


Approaching the entrance the smell of sweet flowers touch your nose. The church has a grand entrance with arched entrances and royal blue and gold carpet throughout. The doors at the entrance are held open by smiling faces offering a warm hand to greet people as they approach to occupy the space. Walking into toward the main sanctuary you will see other halls. Depending on what side you come in on , if you enter to the right side of the church you will see a restrooms and two hallways, one side for the nursery and the other for toddlers and slightly older adolescents. If you so happen to enter from the left there will be another set of restrooms and a hall leading to the bookstore, and the overflow room.  Upon entrance to the sanctuary, the first thing you notice is the stage which has bright spotlights on the center stage. The color changing wall behind that, and the many different flags that line up around the wall. Cold air flows through the ceiling, and your eyes adjust to the bright lighting. There are rows of blue chairs, which can probably sit near a thousand people.


The occupants inside are interacting in the space in various ways. The chairs in rows tell them that’s where they will be seated. The large screens above them show that they will be used later in service, and our attention should be directed toward them. The occupants vary in ages, shades and sizes.  The stage has the choir singing with enthusiasm and using body gestures swaying to the rhythm of the band in the pit.  Choir members shine in their brightly colored shirts from neon yellow to hot pink and vibrant violet to lime green.  The enthusiasm and rhythm of the music has the occupants swaying, clapping their hands and raising their arms in praise.


There are men and women in blue jackets standing in the aisles ushering occupants to seats toward the front of the sanctuary. There is also a woman with tawny skin, big black eyes, dark brown hair, and wearing a purple suit walks around hugging and greeting everyone. Most of the occupants in the seats are flipping through pages in their Bible, some are writing notes in notebooks, and some are on their phones or tablets. Most of the young adults are sitting on a row in the back excluded by choice from the rest of the body. The teens socialize and play on their phones, occasionally parents goes by and tells them they’re too loud, or to get off their phones. Occupants here seem to have different perceptions of the space. The younger audience does not seem as interested in the service, and is waiting for the end. While the adult are carefully listening and note taking, writing every keynote message down. There are so many different task being done in this space, and the main service hasn’t even started.

October 4

Gsu library

booksThe black outlined automated doors open to GSU officers verifying ID’s. You then scan your card at the turn dial and after yours turns green , you may now enter. First ahead is a large tv like screen showing facts and activities about GSU. Slightly to the right  is the help desk where a pale slim female stands, elbows on the counter leaning forward and staring into the computer. She had dark hair and and was wearing a blue GSU shirt and khaki pants.  If you need something the front desk can help you to the best of their ability.To the left is a secluded sitting area with brown cushioned chairs and small side tables and to the left of this is Saxby’s.

Saxby’s invites you in with the aroma of freshly ground coffee that delicately caresses your nose as the gust of wind hits you entering the library. The tile floors in Saxbys add nice contrast to the dark brown and beige colors that the inside is painted. The right amount of lighting,the soothing sounds of drinks being mixed and people enjoying small talk or long conversations is what creates the ambiance for Salone.  The connivence of it being located in the library makes the trip here even more worth wild in her opinion.

You have desk line with desktop computers lined as far as the eye can see. Tables,chairs, and booths fill half of the room, the other side lined with tall brown bookshelves. Printing stations are centered in the middle of room with four desktop computers and a printer on each side.” These things create a resourceful and relaxing environment” says Salone a place complexion girl with brown mid length hair.She wore a  a gray sweatshirt and black shorts and a blue lined piece around her neck that said GSU surrounding it and an ID attached at the bottom.  In the corner is a female of caramel complexion, legs propped up on another chair ,headphones in and  sipping her beverage as she watches people walk by.  In the corner their was a hazelnut complexion girl, with brown mid length hair wearing a green t-shirt and blue jean shorts that came mid thigh. Her eyes were fixed on her computer screen only looking up every so often, she watches her surroundings and places her head focusing on the computer screen once more.

Salone enjoys the secluded areas and privacy she can receive here and not worry about being disturbed. Their was a group of  about five  pale complexion tall guys, some of the gentleman had blonde or black hair and were wearing shorts. They were all circled around one another  with their lab tops and note cards for whatever they had to work on. Although they were in such a large group you couldn’t hear the conversation even if you were one table over.Their voices delicately flowed off of their tongues like a pen rolling onto a floor in a loud room.

October 4

Jang Su Jang


As soon as one enters the parking lot, they are greeted with a red billboard big enough to be read from 500 feet away. The billboard has the name of the place in Korean language to represent Korean culture; at the bottom of the billboard, there is ‘Korean BBQ’ written in English in Bold white print to let the people who don’t understand Korean, know about this place. When one enters through the glass doors, there is a room which connects to the front doors of the restaurant. When you first get into the room; there is a shelf covering the area from the ground, to halfway from the ceiling. The shelf contains pamphlets from airlines, traveling brochures, advertisements of stores, magazines for people to read while they wait to get an available seat. On top of the shelf, there is a Korean influenced vase which is white in color and has an oval shaped bottom. To the left of the door, there is a tree as tall as the ceiling and right in front of the tree there is another door by which people can enter or exit.  Right when one enters the glass doors, there are two pentagon shaped wooden bordered windows on both left and right of the front door , the door is in the middle and has a striped vertical pattern with glass and wood; which gives it an amazing view and also a way for the customers to glance inside the restaurant.

Inside the restaurant, there are wooden walls that make the areas look like different sections. It separates the areas  such as, the waiting room, the kitchen area and some of the tables that are on the sides near the wall. The tables on the sides have their individual section with wooden walls surrounding them, giving the customers privacy while they enjoy their meal. As one enters the restaurant, there are traditional Korean totem poles as tall as the front door on the left and right of the door, followed by two wooden benches stretching from the wall by the front door to the far point where the wooden section of the front area ends. The wooden benches are there for the people to sit on it when they are waiting for their table or if they want to rest for a while.  On the area right under the ceiling and top of the front door, there are two traditional Korean masks which are faces carved out of wood; one of the faces had two pink circles in the cheek area making it look like blushes to show that it was of a female and another one was of a male. Coming inside, the first thing people notice is a Korean style shelf storage which covers almost the whole section of the waiting area horizontally. It has a wooden base and glass on the sides, acting as a barrier to the decorations that are inside. Inside the storage surrounded by glass, there are different shaped and colored stones acting as the base. On the rocks, there are like six traditional earthenware crocks know an ‘onggi’ varying in size. Bamboo sticks are on each side which are doubled the size of the tallest onggi on the storage. In the middle, there is a moon shaped wooden Asian influenced holder, holding a ball which looks like a Christmas ornament. There are two traditional bar tools in front of the storage and in the middle is an onggi as tall as the wooden base of the storage, which held the ‘specials of the day’ menu. The traditional Korean decorations allow the people to explore the Korean culture and it is also a way for the Korean people to appreciate their beautiful tradition.

Behind the storage, there is a square-shaped painting, hanging from the ceiling which stretches from almost the ceiling to the midpoint to the wall behind it.  To the right of that is another hanging decoration which is a ring made of plastic trees which were as tall as the painting. In front of these, there is a hanging square decoration stretching from the ceiling to the top of the counter which contained all the menus which are handed to the customers as they walk in, there are also napkins, plates, and glasses. The kitchen is right behind the painting, and to the right of the kitchen is the cashier. As we walk to the further right of the restaurant near the tables by the wall, there is a shelf stretching from the ceiling to the midpoint, connection to the wooden wall of the section with approximately fifteen mini shelves horizontally and seven vertically, big enough to hold a single Asian influenced cup on each. The cups are of different colors and shapes. In front of the shelf on the left wall, there is a trapezoid shaped window covering the whole wall. There is a storage space, right before the window which contains two small Korean influenced vases with uneven texture, giving it a handmade appearance. There are portraits in every section, showing that they value art and making the place look nicer. There is a call button next to the tables, which allowed the customers to press it and call the waiters whenever they needed something. The place also offered free Wi-Fi to attract more customers’ so they can browse while they enjoy the food.

The space is occupied by people of all race and culture. I saw a pale skinned man and a pale skinned woman with a yellow undertone, sitting together and having a conversation with the waiter which they all seem to comprehend. They both had strong accents and seemed comfortable talking in the language they were comfortable with. They were casually dressed and looked comfortable using the chopsticks. As I looked around, in a different table I saw a man with gray hair, wrinkled pale skin, with a lady who had black hair which was gray on the roots. They seemed to struggle with the names of the items in the menu and kept asking the waiters what the items meant. They were ordering their food in English. Another occupant I observed were two girls. They were kind of loud and I could hear their conversation. They were talking about what happened in their school. They didn’t take a long time to order, looked like they already knew what they wanted. One of the girls was speaking in a different language with the waiter and translating what the other girl was saying in English. The girl who spoke in English seemed to struggle with the chopsticks and asked the waiter for a fork instead. As they were done eating waiting for their bill, I went up and interviewed the girl who seemed to be foreign to the Korean culture. Her name was Maria, she told me that she comes to this restaurant with her best friend Tina, who was born in Korea. Maria loves the food there and the mesmerizing decorations of the Korean culture which create a peaceful vibe.

The occupant in the restaurant seems to occupy the space for many reasons. Some seem to admire the Korean architecture and the mood this place builds like Maria. Others seem to be very comfortable with the culture. They are not obliged to speak English and can speak in the language they’re comfortable in. This is a because if they’re comfortable with the culture, they would know what food is good and what to order. Some people just come to the space for their excellent food and service. There are also people who like to try out different food and explore different cultures.


October 4

My Library and it’s contents


            I’ve always had a fondness for libraries. My home library is the McDonough Public Library. It’s not a gigantic library, but, as the only public library in McDonough it does its job well. It gets people excited about reading and learning. With its cool AC, high ceilings, numerous skylights and beautiful use of natural light, it gives off the impression of a place of enlightenment and learning. However, the children’s area is VERY different. It’s much cozier and the walls are all painted with fantastic designs and  murals of characters from well-known stories like George and the Purple Crayon, Where the Wild Things Are, and, of course the best of Dr. Seuss. It makes choosing a book feel like the magical lake-forest in the Magician’s Nephew: Each book is its own world and adventure, but choosing one to jump into (read) is an adventure unto itself.

My library is organized in a way that is easy to navigate and makes sense. Children’s book are on the right, and adult books are on the left. From there, books is sorted into categories, and in those categories they are sorted by last name of author. The categories are as broad as genre: Nonfiction, Fiction, Mystery, etc. These categories make things easier to find because a layer of looking is taken away.

All sorts of people frequent my library. From families with children, to adolescents, to the elderly, the kinds of people my library attracts all have one thing in common, a desire for knowledge. Some will need to study for a test on geography, others will need help getting their little ones to read, and yet others are looking for information on the kind of plants they should plant in their garden. I watch as a young man of around 27 years of age asks a librarian for an hour in one of the self-study rooms, directly next to the research materials. I also observe a family of three returning a book of bedtime stories: a demure, quiet mother with blonde hair and hazel eyes; a father, tall and proud with his strong back ramrod straight beneath his elongated neck, sharp blue eyes, and close-cropped black hair; and a son, trying to stand tall like his proud papa with his blonde hair and blue eyes. All are seekers of knowledge.

My library seems built around the fact, that all who enter are seekers of knowledge. Research Materials and computers are in the center of the library for those who need them. On the adult side, behind the research center is the nonfiction center (with all of its sub-categories), followed by the fiction center (with all its sub-categories), which ends along the outer back wall of my library. On the children’s side oy my library, the books are only in alphabetical order by author’s last name, creating aisles upon aisles of literature for children to get lost in. However, in the back corner of the children’s section is an area, a small alcove full of bean bag chairs and rugs, for the children to lounge and enjoy the books they picked up, whereas on the adult side, the reading are is much more bland, with chairs and tables, and separates the nonfiction from the fiction.

October 4

Piedmont Central Courtyard


In the courtyard there are two sections of green space a left side and a right side only being separated by a semi thick concrete walkway resembling the averaged sized sidewalk the walk way has two large lamp posts standing about 15ft tall closer to the left green space; this concrete strip leads from the clear glass doors that takes you outside, to a bigger concrete space where the cars are parked almost like a driveway. Which is rarely occupied by more than three cars at a time. On the other side of the cars are a long black gate which separates the courtyard from an almost always empty visitors parking lot that belongs to a Georgia state building. To the right side of the right green space is another strip of concrete with four black umbrella hole metal tables lined up about 4 feet away from the next with 2 matching chairs assigned for each circle table. There are 6 trees one indirectly placed on each side of the tables. The trees are surrounded by hay and they have miniature led lights placed by the base of them. The front and sides of the courtyard are surrounded by the housing facility.

In the courtyard there are two guys dressed in their gym shorts and t-shirts (My Interviewee said that this space is exclusive so many people in this space are residents. They may live here.). One is shorter than his partner beside him. He has dark skin that almost resembles the color of a milk chocolate Hershey bar, with a low box haircut, his full height only reaches to the shoulder of his teammate whose skin resembles something a little lighter than caramel candy; he’s equip with curly hair and the sides and back of his head are a faded cut. Both have muscular physique. They stand out in the courtyard every evening practicing what they call “spinning”. They consistently twirl blue flags with a black panther’s head placed in the middle. Standing in the right grass square they spin, spin, spin. Sweat forms on their foreheads and surrounds their backs soon changing the color of their shirts making them darker.  They try tricks like turning their bodies in circles while they throw the flags in the air, they run through the routine over and over, and after a while they try it with music. They do a whole choreographed number. They resemble each other like a mirror. After they finish they sit down both palms facing the grass, breathing heavily the guys get up, gather their flags and miniature towels used to wipe away forehead sweat, and high five each other as they walk back to the doors connecting them to entry with the dorms.

There to are four tables on the side of the guys spinning one table is filled with people. At this particular table sits about seven people more chairs than the small round black table allows (Brianna stated how she wishes there were more seats in this area). They sit in the chairs some with their feet in them crouched up others with their feet on the table. Their outfits vary. The table is a mix of both genders. One girl dressed in a big oversized pastel yellow shirt with a tiny logo in the left corner and barely viewable shorts sits in the chair taping on a cigarette box, she grabs one then passes the box, she puts the cigarette in her mouth folding her lips to hold it, she then cuffs a tunnel like shield over the cigarette while lighting it with the other hand. She does this because of the slight breeze that would otherwise stop the blue marble like lighter from doing its job.  After the task of lighting it is complete she takes one great big inhale holding it for five whole seconds then she slowly exhales with a sigh. After taking a puff she becomes social to her friends smiling and laughing.

At the very last table closest to the driveway sits one fair skinned girl the color of a manila folder with blonde bra length hair, her head secures a royal blue LA Dodgers hat, she sports a baggy long sleeve gray Champs’ crewneck with gray Nike dri-fit leggings to match. She sits on her mac laptop with a Georgia State water bottle to the side of her computer. Her book bag occupies the chair right next to her since the other chairs have been moved to another table. She focuses at the screen typing constantly at times moving her hand across the mouse. At one point she begins to repeatedly check her phone even taking a phone call. Minutes after a male dressed in black basketball shorts and a gray Georgia State shirt appears. He stands about 6 feet tall with hazel eyes and a low haircut. She greets him with a hug and a kiss. She removes her backpack from the seat. He takes the seat that was once occupied by the book bag. They start talking she smiles over and over. He then begins looking at his phone. She nudges him in the head and pushes his arm. He occasionally looks up and smiles at her even giving her a wink. She goes from hawking her computer down to closing it. She lays her head on the table and just looks at him.