September 27

My Space- Barnes & Noble

My favorite space to spend time in would have to be Barnes & Noble. There is something so peaceful about a bookstore that makes it such a comforting place to spend your time in. When you go into a bookstore, it is like a library in that it is a very quiet environment, but different because it isn’t quite as dead silent. There is always a dull, yet subtle murmur vibrating through the air. Most bookstores, like Barnes & Noble, have a connecting coffee shop for socialization. There are so many conversations about the space. Coffee orders, book suggestions to strangers you feel you connect with, or even just talking to yourself, or to the works of art around you. When it comes to the other people in the store, you know they all have a different story to tell. Are they here just to get some peace and quiet, are they here to pick up a book they’ve been dying to buy, or are they here because they’re just bored and this was the closest source of entertainment for them? I can never help but wonder what’s going on in their minds, their lives, right at that very moment. A bookstore isn’t just a place you go to for entertainment, but also discovery.

September 27


The air is on the lowest it can go yet it still manages to be 100 degrees. The lights are beaming on my fresh face of makeup hitting every angle perfectly. A big cloud of red takes over the middle of the gym. All of my classmates have on bright red outfits with shiny silver tassels slapping them in the face with every head movement; I fit in perfectly. As I squint and look around I see parents, grandparents, uncles and children piled on top of each other with huge smiles on their faces. I hear babies whining and footsteps right after running into the lobby. Every 10 seconds the applauses start over and me and my fellow peers strut across the shiny wooden stage for the last time.uation

September 25

The space I live in

People can have different ways of expressing the meaning of the word “space”. The meaning of space to me is a place where you can go into your own little zone and create time for yourself mentally and physically. My room is where I find the time to calm down, relax, and study. It’s a warm feeling to know that I’m in an environment where I can completely focus on my work without having a lot of distractions. Being isolated in my room from other students during specific times in the day can be very helpful. By being isolated, I am able to put in the amount of work necessary to study for quizzes, tests, and major exams.

September 23

My Space

One’s space, a location one likes or frequently habitats for reasons known to them.My space is a place not far from campus, “Bank of America”. I enter the room and am greeted by an immediate sense of wealth. I can see the box shaped machines which holds the money of many, and allows transactions to be made with a haste from the average businessman to the broke student. The floor is smooth and solid as soon as you enter through the front door; “marble” i think it must be. A little bit farther from the entrance and i can see a welcoming atmospheric setting ahead. There’s a rug, a sofa, and a table, all warm colored giving off a subtle calm vibe. The mood put off is very comforting as i would imagine one would prefer being before entering one of the cubicles that line the far end of the room. Inside the cubicles i can see a desk and two chairs. Inside the same room there is a computer with mountains of paper around it. There’s not much in these rooms as the design is straight to business like it’s purpose. The most interesting thing about the cubicles is that they have blinds, presumably to shield the sight of onlooker and provide a sense of security. One can only imagine all the different types of experiences one can have in this facility. I find comfort in this space knowing that i don’t have to visit it that it often. Every time I do visit, I leave with no sense of despair or worry, because i feel like everything will be alright.

September 22

Cataloochee Ski Area

Cataloochee Ski area draws you in as soon as you start the drive up the mountain. The snow falls around you as you pass the various cabins located on the ridges of the mountain. When you reach the top you can gaze out across the whole valley and watch the sun rise or set in the distance. On the drive to the main lodge you catch a glimpse of the trails which always gets me hyped for the day. Walking to the main lodge you pass by the racks holding everyone’s ski and snowboard equipment and can check out everyone’s set ups for the season. There’s usually quite a lot of people standing outside at the bottom of the run talking about what trick they just threw or having a drink at the tables on the top deck. The main lodge is consists of two levels. The bottom level is the stockroom containing various boards, skis, and boots that people can rent for the day and a kiosk where they can purchase their lift tickets. The top level contains a bar, a cafeteria, and a shop. You can sit at a table with your friends and look out of the gigantic windows straight at the trails and watch people ride while you eat or enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. There’s a sense of friendship throughout the lodge because you know everyone is there for the same thing, their passion for the snow.

September 22


Each individual defines their own space for peace and comforting, and well mine happens to be a quite small, but cozy bedroom. This bedroom is one bedroom out of four in an apartment, my bedroom, the far left, connected with a bathroom. The space brings so much comfort to myself, whenever I’m stressed or down, thinking i want to give up, it brings me to my room at home. The letters hanging on the wall that are initials that are now red, used to be black, and hang above my bed, transport me back home in time when it is needed. After class the sturdy, chocolate brown desk steals my book bag, filled with homework and books, and sometimes makes me take a few breaks after out of frustration the pencil tip keeps breaking. The big white, comfy bed engulfs my troubles as I fade away into dreams. This cream room, we teal, sheer curtains, with a green picture frame and flowery pillows is my space. The space for peace and to wash all my worries away.

September 22


There’s this beautiful Books-A-Million just a few minutes away from my home. The moment you walk in, there’s just an aura that surrounds the place. With classical music constantly playing and coffee being grinded, this is truly a home away from home. The first thing you see when you walk in is the barista’s welcoming smile and the last thing you see is the cashier’s wave. The place, filled with kind hearted people with such varying background stories, is diverse in more ways than one. The store truly lives up to its name. With books ranging from the Twilight series to the Encyclopedia, it’s hard not to find a book you wouldn’t like. The store can also act as a meeting ground for like people. Countless friendships are created just from bumping into each other. This specific store somehow brings a sense of community and companionship among the customers.

September 22

My Space Away

My favorite space in the entire world is located at red top mountain campground. The space is 2 miles deep into one of the hiking trail and is the bench over looking the river stream down below. The bench is a couple of feet away from the edge of the mountain side and a few feet away from the trail. I love this space because of its secludedness and the environment in which it is in. Since it is located on the longest trail not many people pass it and it is often empty when I visit. The smell of the trees and the water flowing below calm my senses. The sound of the water rushing across the rocks blocks out all negative thoughts and the sound of the creatures that in habitat the forest is such a beautiful soundtrack. This bench is so amazing and allows me to sleep, read, and paint. When hikers pass this bench they see the beautiful scenery of the water flowing between two mountains into the trees on the far end. The breath taking view allows the viewer to take a deep breath and take in its beauty and that is just what it does for me….

September 22

“My Space”

Everyone has a place where they can go to escape. To be free from others, and the problems they hold. A place where you can feel inspiration, and peace. My place is rectangular, made of hardwood floor, and 94 by 50 feet. This special place is a basketball court. As I enter I can smell the refurbished floor, and see the bright lights of the court. I can hear the chanting of the crowd as you do something special to grasp their attention. The sound of the net rustling as someone makes a shot, or the screeching of basketball shoes on the wooden tiles, truly evoke the passion I have for the game.

September 22

Space (the final frontier…)

I’ve always had a fondness for libraries. My home library is the McDonough Public Library. It’s not a gigantic library, but, as the only public library in McDonough it does it’s job well. It gets people excited about reading and learning. With it’s cool AC, high ceilings, Numerous skylight and beautiful use of natural light, it gives off the impression of a place of enlightenment and learning. However, the children’s area is VERY different. It’s much cozier and the walls are all painted with fantastic designs and  murals of characters from well known stories like George and the Purple Crayon, Where the Wild Things Are, and, of course the best of Dr. Seuss. It makes choosing a book feel like the magical lake forest in the Magician’s Nephew: Each book is it’s own world and adventure, but choosing one to jump into (read) is an adventure unto itself.