October 5

GSU Library

As you approach the enormous brick building you are greeted by security. To go inside the library you have to show your student ID to them. Once you’re through security you are immediately greeted with a wide staircase being used by students. The floor is covered in white tiles that soon transitions into a brownish carpet when you make a left. To the right, there are restrooms and elevators. As the elevator begins to close, a girl with a blue Georgia state shirt and black Nike shorts rushes to catch the elevator. Her black backpack, which is the size of her entire upper body, gets caught between the double doors. To the left side of the first floor of the library, there is a lounge area with abstract chairs that people can sit on. Once you pass those chairs you find a small coffee shop called Saxby’s in which students come in and out, some with coffee or pastries. Towards the back are u shaped booths occupied by groups of students. These booths are lined up in rows. Behind the booths are various tables available for anyone to sit. Further to the left of the booths are rows of shelves being occupied by books. To the right side of the library, there are more computers and an info desk that takes up most of the area.

The various tables and computers are there to help students throughout their college years. The tables and booths are there for students who travel in packs. These booths allow students to sit together and study or to work on projects. Sometimes these booths are occupied by one single person as said by a GSU student who gal-2goes by the name Malik. Malik said ” I don’t really like when one single person occupies an entire booth. It becomes an issue when there’s no more booths left and my study group doesn’t know where to sit”. The coffee shop inside the library fuels the student’s energy; it’s there to provide them with drinks and food. Inside the coffee shop are tables that students can sit and enjoy their food while they look over any of their schoolwork. A girl with droopy green eyes sits at one of the tables. She’s sipping at her hot drink that has steam coming out of it. The girl’s chocolate colored hair is up in a messy bun, some loose hairs seem to escape as they fall to the side of her head near her ear. She exhales and slumps down in her chair as she looks over all the notes she has sprawled out on the table. Also inside Saxby’s there is a couch with a TV set up in front of it. Here students can relax and enjoy their refreshments. The computers and printers located beside the staircase are there for quick and fast access for students. Students who are in a rush to get to class and need something to be printed go straight towards these computers and printers. A tall dark skinned girl runs straight to the computer quickly printing a paper. As soon as her hand makes contact with the freshly printed paper, she bolts for the doors. Around twelve the line to get to the printers grows really
close to the doors.

The people who occupy these objects are mostly students who come in to get things done. A short boy with caramel skin goes straight to one of the printing sections. He rushes towards the only empty computer left before another student occupies it. His long fingers type away as he tries to print what he needs. Near the coffee shop, a short girl with long brown hair leaves Saxby’s with a cup in her hand. As she walks out she brings the cup to her plump lips, before she drinks it she closes her eyes and inhales the scent. In one of the booths a group of various people occupy the space. Two of them are boys while the other three are girls. One of the boys is dark skinned with brown long hair. The other is a pale short boy with blonde hair. Two of the girls are both brunettes with pale skin. The other is a tan girl with dirty blonde hair. All their eyes crinkle as their laughs fill the quiet library. A girl who sits at a computer across them narrows her eyes at them giving them a mean look. All these students who occupy the library move around like ants. Near the printers, the line seems to get longer over time. One girl, in particular, starts tapping her foot she constantly checking her watch on her left wrist. She groans as she runs her fingers through her long brown hair. Her face soon becomes red as a young boy tries to cut in line.

The library is filled with many unique people; it’s like a melting pot. It ranges from light skinned people to dark skinned. Some might also be professors, student workers, or just students. All these people who come to the library are there for various reasons. Some students come to refuel their body with caffeine to try to keep awake during their classes. Others come to get away from the chaos that waits outside the library.


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Posted October 5, 2016 by sjaimes1 in category 9-29 Assignment

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