October 4

Perception of Space

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The space that I observed was an Advanced Algebra math class. Moments after the 8:30 bell rang, several figures rushed into the classroom. Some looking as if they hadn’t slept all night and others smiling from ear to ear. As I looked around the room, I noticed the rather bland tile that was in the ceiling. The tile was covered in gray specks and some even had brown stains from water damage. I noticed the old projector that was hanging from the. I seen the colorful posters that were displayed all across the classroom and a quote that says, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary” that was in big, bold red letters on the back wall.  I noticed how the teacher’s desk sat off to the left of the classroom and how his printer made weird noises for the entire hour and thirty minutes. I noticed how the desks were aligned as if they were army combats about to go to war. I noticed an interactive whiteboard that hung in the center of the classroom covered in what looked like lines of  blood because of the red marker that the teacher was using.  Near the classroom door, I seen 2 long, brown tables with silver metal legs that was holding four, very modern desktops. I noticed the gray trash can that sat near the door that was filled with candy wrappers, chip bags and soda bottles. I noticed the black construction paper that covered the window that was on the classroom’s door that made it to where no one could see in or out of the classroom.. Lastly, I noticed the gray and black fan that was in the back of the classroom making a lot of noise.

Each of the objects in the room has a specific purpose and sent a message to the students. For example, the alignment of the desks was to prevent the students from talking to each other and engaging in activities that they weren’t supposed to. The interactive whiteboard was used as an instructional tool for the students and the teachers. The whiteboard is also used for the purposes of keeping the student’s attention.. The desktops were there for the students to use. Being that, we live in a very tech-savvy world, it’s a necessity for the  students to have desktops in this space. The garbage can that sat near the door is used for the purposes of throwing trash away.The black construction paper is to stop other students that may be passing by from attempting to talk to the students from outside of the classroom.Lastly, the printer was there for the purposes of the teacher and students.

The people I saw in this space consisted of about 17 not engaged students and a very, very talkative teacher. The students were spread all across the classroom sitting in their desks. I noticed a group of about 3 or 4 boys in back of the classroom talking about the most recent football game. There were 3 girls sitting up front talking among themselves about something that I couldn’t quite hear. There was a couple sitting next to the 3 girls drawing on each other’s arms, giggling and smiling. There was a girl with pink hair sitting near the door asleep. She had been sleep since the teacher had collected the warm up. The other 7 students were engaged in other activities. They were either texting, doodling on the desk, or even sleeping. Then, there was the teacher. He was dressed in a purple button down shirt, with ashy black pants and black dress shoes. He stood at the center of the classroom with a red marker and a worksheet in his hand. He was trying to teach his students how to expand binomials. He was, however, having a hard time trying to grasp the attention of all 17 of his students. You can tell that he was highly frustrated because of the 4 veins that were popping out of his classroom.
I chose to interview the student that was sitting near the front of the classroom with the pink her hair. Her name was Diamond and she was a junior. She was student in the class and absolutely did not want to come to class. She told me that she was only there because she had too, not because she wanted, too. “What do you like about this space, Diamond”, I asked her. She thought about it for a second and then said, “I like the fact that there are bad students in the classroom that have all of my teacher’s attention. So, he doesn’t really know that I sleep his entire class period.” Writing down her response, I asked her the next couple of questions. She told me that she would change the curriculum in the class because she feels as if what they learn as students won’t benefit them in the long run. She said that she wasn’t really visiting the place, but knowing that she needs a high school diploma influences her to come to school. When I asked her would she recommend the space to others she said, “Of course, yes. Go to school kids and stay in school kids”. The final question that I asked her was, “Is there anything important to you inside of this space?” She answered by saying, “My phone, my lip gloss, my charger and my headphones.” I wrote down her final answer and thanked her for allowing me to interview her.My interviewee’s thoughts and feelings about the space directly correlates with my observations of the space. I observed that the students weren’t engaged in the space at all and had no true value of the space. Diamond even said that she sleeps in the classroom most of time which means that she isn’t here for purpose. The purpose in which is to learn.

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Posted October 4, 2016 by nterry4 in category 9-29 Assignment

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