October 2

Observing my space again

Here I am again. The lights are bright as ever, but this particular space is more empty than usually (√). The lights are for studying.  The reason why is because it is a Sunday today, and not a school day.(X) I look around and see only two other people outside the study room that are focused on their computer screens. One of them was a girl in front of me and she was on Facebook looking at her news feed. She had blonde hair and her shoes were colorful. (O) She was drinking some coffee, and eating some fruit snacks. The second guy was focused as well and studying for human communications. I saw that he had the orange book that I also had for human communications, so I knew that he was studying for it. He had a vibrant red shirt on that had a nike symbol in the middle of his shirt. (O)He had some nike Roshe runs on that were bright red.  The bookshelves were still on the left side of me. The shelves were black and the books all thick. I looked to the right, and saw the study rooms. Study rooms are for studying and also for friends to just have privacy. There was a group of guys in there studying and writing equations on the board. (O+)All four of them were working on math together. At one point, they all got up and left and went to go buy coffee. The coffee shop was called Saxby’s and just around the corner. I could not see the shop, but they all came back with the cups.(X) The bottle was clear and filled with brown coffee. There was no one behind me the whole time, but only empty tables with empty chairs. As I looked up again, I saw that the girl was leaving. However she forgot her headphones. I got up, and I went and gave it to her and told her to be careful next time. We talked for a bit and I decided to interview her.

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Posted October 2, 2016 by qhu3 in category 9-29 Assignment

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