September 29

My Observations


The space that I observed was an Advanced Algebra math class. As I looked around the room, I noticed the alignment of the desks. The desks were in even rows looking as if they were combats about to go to war. I noticed the whiteboard that hung in the center of the classroom that looked as if blood was all over it because of the red marker that the teacher was using. The four very modern computers was an object that caught my attention first. It was one of the most up to date things that was in the classroom. The white bricks that looked very bumpy caught my attention, as well.  Lastly, I noticed the gray and black fan that was in the back of the classroom making a lot of noise. 

Each of the objects in the room had a specific purpose and sent a message to the students. For example, the alignment of the desks was to prevent the students from talking to each other and engaging in activities that they weren’t suppose to do. The whiteboard was used as an instructional tool for the students and the teachers.  The whiteboard is essentially where the student’s attention should have been at all times.The modern computers were there for the students to use. Being that, we live in a very tech-savvy world, it’s a necessity for the classroom to have some sort of technology.

The people I saw in this space consisted of about 17 not engaged students and a very, very talkative teacher . The students were spread all across the classroom sitting in their desks. I noticed a group of about 3 or 4 boys in back of the classroom talking about the most recent football game. There were 3 girls sitting up front talking among themselves about something that I couldn’t quite hear.  There was a couple sitting next to each other drawing on each other’s arms, giggling and smiling. The other 8 students were engaged in other activities. They were either texting, doodling on on the desk,or even sleeping . There was this one guy sitting in the back that had totally taken the whole classroom over because of this snoring .  Then, there was the teacher.  He was dressed in a purple button down shirt, with ashy black pants and black dress shoes . He stood at the center of the classroom with a red marker and a worksheet in his hand. He was trying to teach his students how to expand binomials. He was,however, having a hard time trying to grasp the attention of all 17 of his students.

There were several different types of people in the space , as well. There were the inattentive students that weren’t paying attention to what the teacher was saying. There was the unprepared student that reported to class with nothing in hand and the disrespectful student. This was the student that went toe to toe with everything that the teacher said. Lastly, there was the teacher that was supposed to be teaching and instilling knowledge in his students. Instead, he was basically babysitting a bunch of teenagers. The students chose to occupy the space because they wanted to be accounted for. It’s quite obvious that they weren’t there to actually learn because of their behavior. The teacher was there because he wanted to instill knowledge in his students. The teacher remained at the center of the classroom the entire 90 minutes teaching to a bunch of  not engaged students. download-1 download

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Posted September 29, 2016 by nterry4 in category 9-27 Assignment

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