September 29

GSU Library Space and its Ocuppants

As I sit in one of the pristine and quality chairs in the Georgia State University library I observe how the space is filled with numerous types of plush and comfy furniture, along with austere and stern looking desk that students clearly try to avoid. The warm mahogany brown book shelves fill up the 3rd floor and give off a warm and homey feel. The windows in the library provide a view of the rush of Atlanta traffic and serve as a barrier from the roaring engines and piercing sound of horns honking.

The objects in the space, such as the study rooms or desk top cubicles, serve the purpose of giving students options as to where they want to study or complete whatever task they wish to. They give off a message that students aren’t confined or limited to just a chair and a desk. The objects allow students to spread out and fill every corner of the library. These features make the Gsu library an attractive place for students to spend their time for hours on end.

As you walk into the library you are greeted by men and women dressed in navy blue, collard, button down shirts with matching pants. The polished gold badges on their chest provide a sense of security, and after they ask for your panther ID and to swipe your card, you enter a study haven. I look to my left to see a girl in vibrant green sweat shirt, leaning on her arm, with a banal look on her face clearly uninterested in her assignment, and I wonder if i will be the same. As I move towards the stairs, i cant help but feel self cautious of the squeak my shoes gave off, being as the library seemed undisturbed and still.

The people in this space are all intrigued in whatever they have in front of them. You can see groups of 3-5 college students, male and female, conversing about their various assignments in the study rooms provided. Across from me I can see a girl in a burgundy hoodie admissions-postcards104clearly taking a break from her work to enjoy an episode of a show she enjoys. Most of the people that occupy this space seem to be here for relatively the same purpose.

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Posted September 29, 2016 by bogene1 in category 9-27 Assignment

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