September 22

My Space

My space is my Sanctuary. A place where I am able to roam freely around its territory with any opposition. A place that is 24/7 accessibility and offers relaxation and solitude. Watching from any perspective, many people would call this place home.

My home is a place that gave me something I valued the most, isolation from the world. Its occupants, being my mother and sister, were often not present adapting me to being alone. It’s location is in such a quiet neighborhood that you could regularly hear cars drive up and there door’s. That amount of peace became so usual that it became what I loved.

After coming home at almost 9:00 daily because of my extra-curricular and not going out on the weekends made me love my home even more. There I could come from a stressful day and do whatever I wanted, rather it be sleep, surf, study, or just be lazy. Being there for all the 18 years of my life left a strong imprint on my life.

No matter how far away from home that I get, my first home will always be my Sanctuary.

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Posted September 22, 2016 by biveythompson1 in category 9-20 Assignment

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