September 21

My space – basketball court at GSU

It’s been a long tiring day of school, and I feel as if I am about to pass out. However, I am going to go to my favorite place in the world. The space is occupied by nearly a hundred basketball players waiting or already playing on the courts. A sweaty aroma surrounds the air, but I am used to it. There are four basketball courts and eight goals, so that everyone gets to play. The gym is enormous and can probably fit a football field in it. I scan the area and see that some people that are waiting, and I ask if they can  pick me up for the next game, and they say yes. This is a daily task that I have to do just to play, because there are just so many people in this packed gym. It feels like home though, because everyone in the gym love the same thing. It is basketball. I wait about ten minutes, and it is finally my turn to play. Immediately after I got on the court, I felt all my stress leave my body and disappear. It is my escape from reality, and I love it.

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Posted September 21, 2016 by qhu3 in category 9-20 Assignment

3 thoughts on “My space – basketball court at GSU

  1. Catherine Lee

    The writer loves the basketball court because he states that it is his favorite place in the world. The writer focus on how noisy and pack the gym is which indicates that he uses basketball as a way to socialize with others. He also states that he goes to play basketball daily which indicate that he is good at playing. Overall, the writer plays basketball to relieve stress and to have fun.

  2. phwang4

    The writer said that he/she feels the basketball gym is like a home to them, and is the place where he can relieve all his stress from throughout the day. Actually playing the game seems more important than the actual space, but the people around the gym seem to be just like him. Despite the smell of sweat and how overcrowded the place is, he still loves the place and looks forward to it everyday.

  3. xkind1

    This writer loves going to the gym after a long day of working hard in school. The basketball gym is his chance to meet new people other than the ones he see on a daily basis in his classes. Although the gym is packed, he waits until its his turn to play instead of leaving. The gym is a place where he can relieve stress, and a place where he can be comfortable and happy.


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