October 11

Dog Park

The sun sits high and bright. The sky is a silky blue, clear of clouds. There is a field of thin one inch grass 40 meters wide and 200 meters long. There are patches of dried grass and dirt. The trees stretch 50 meters tall with scrubs reaching up the trunks on every side. The shadows fall Eastward. On the Northeastern corner there is an iron table set. Round, two feet in diameter and three feet tall. Three matching chairs surround the table. The legs are thin and long. The center of the table is mesh, as are the backs of the chairs. On the Western side rests a row of six naked wooden lawn chairs. They stand a foot off the ground, wide arms and two foot seat three of the chairs have silver bottle openers nailed to the side. Two of the chairs have foot and a half feet tall side tables next to them. In front of all the chairs rests a three by two-foot-wide matching table. Near the chairs are three metal salad bowls.

People and dogs both use the chairs to sit. Some people sit on the picnic table with their feet on the bench part of it. Not many people use the table set on the other side of the field because it is too far away from everything else. The humans sit and watch the dogs play in the field. Some people wander in the grass as well to interact with the animals. The dogs explore the trees and search endlessly for new scents and games.

There is a man with grey hair and shallow lines on his face sitting lazily in a lawn chair. He brought two dogs. One only six inches tall, shaggy grey hair and puppy eyes. The other is a full grown white boxer. His ears, one eye, tail, and paws are mocha colored spots to match his round eyes. After some time of sitting back and sipping on iced tea alone, a man with a thick beard, full eyes, and peachy cheeks began to approach from the North end of the field. With one swift motion a ball flies half the length of the field. Three large dogs chase after it. Legs moving below their soaring torsos and fur pulled back by the wind they create. The one farthest to the right is golden and his hair flows effortlessly in the wind. Next, gallops a fluffy Siberian Husky. Finally, follows a hound with short grey hair patchy with darker spots.

The people in the park are friendly and outgoing. They are all very different from each other but share a love for dogs. Most of the people enjoy the fresh air and exercise involved in going to the park. The dogs are far more diverse in personality and bread. There are dogs that are submissive, dominant; loud, quite; confident, timid; kind, and so much. They come from all different regions and backgrounds, they are all different shapes and sizes. The dogs at this park tend to be more outgoing, playful, and obedient. The owners leave the dogs off-leash and trust them to interact civilly.

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Posted October 11, 2016 by nreed11 in category 9-27 Assignment

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