October 6

Entertainment Center

At the bottom of the stairs there are four rooms with open walkways. Directly to the right is where the sports bar and entertainment room are. The entertainment room is in front of the sports bar. In the entertainment room the overstuffed reclining chairs are separated from the other rooms by an elegant Persian rug. The chairs are a dark brown leather set up in two rows of three. Then sits a plush leather couch. There are blankets placed on a few chairs and on the couch to encourage a comfortable experience. The couch has three small pillows. Two of which are a suede that matches the color of the couch and the other is a stitched Masters throw. To the right of the chairs, on the beige wall hangs framed memorabilia signed by their designated sports star. To the left is a row of five glass cases that reach in an arch from floor to ceiling. Inside are signed jerseys, baseballs, footballs, basketballs, photographs, and a World Series players ring. The memorabilia add significantly to the sports bar aesthetic and gets people excited about the space they are in. In front of the chairs hangs three TV’s in an upside-down pyramid formation. The two 32” TVs occupy the top tier and bellow sits the wide 75” screen. Multiple TVs allows the occupants to watch multiple sporting events at a time in the room. This wall is covered with mahogany wooden paneling. Each TV is accented with 2” framework. In the extra space there are black speakers to create a surround sound effect. The speakers are also framed.

They memorabilia behind the glass are illuminated with a bright, warm light from the top of each cases. The rest of the room is slightly more dim. All of the lights are adjustable so the room can adjust according to the events taking place. Whether it be a movie screening, news broadcast, or an aired sporting event.

Today, there are multiple football and baseball games, and a golf tournament to watch. Ralph and his adult son are in the entertainment center with the lights at their brightest setting. Though it is still a warm and cozy environment. They both sit in front row of seats with a spare in between them. They are reclined and relaxed but alert. The remote control is firmly held in Ralph’s hands, ready to flip between events during commercial breaks. The two men talk excitedly back and forth about every play. After some time, Ralph’s son migrates to the couch in the front of the room and wraps himself in a blanket. The two of them continue to fill the room with conversation and laughter. After the afternoon games and tournament are over they each fall asleep and recharge for the evening games. The room was used to full effect in its sports mode today. The occupants seemed to enjoy themselves immensely and have plans to do it all again next Sunday.

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Posted October 6, 2016 by nreed11 in category 9-29 Assignment

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