October 4

Church- Revision


Approaching the entrance the smell of sweet flowers touch your nose. The church has a grand entrance with arched entrances and royal blue and gold carpet throughout. The doors at the entrance are held open by smiling faces offering a warm hand to greet people as they approach to occupy the space. Walking into toward the main sanctuary you will see other halls. Depending on what side you come in on , if you enter to the right side of the church you will see a restrooms and two hallways, one side for the nursery and the other for toddlers and slightly older adolescents. If you so happen to enter from the left there will be another set of restrooms and a hall leading to the bookstore, and the overflow room.  Upon entrance to the sanctuary, the first thing you notice is the stage which has bright spotlights on the center stage. The color changing wall behind that, and the many different flags that line up around the wall. Cold air flows through the ceiling, and your eyes adjust to the bright lighting. There are rows of blue chairs, which can probably sit near a thousand people.


The occupants inside are interacting in the space in various ways. The chairs in rows tell them that’s where they will be seated. The large screens above them show that they will be used later in service, and our attention should be directed toward them. The occupants vary in ages, shades and sizes.  The stage has the choir singing with enthusiasm and using body gestures swaying to the rhythm of the band in the pit.  Choir members shine in their brightly colored shirts from neon yellow to hot pink and vibrant violet to lime green.  The enthusiasm and rhythm of the music has the occupants swaying, clapping their hands and raising their arms in praise.


There are men and women in blue jackets standing in the aisles ushering occupants to seats toward the front of the sanctuary. There is also a woman with tawny skin, big black eyes, dark brown hair, and wearing a purple suit walks around hugging and greeting everyone. Most of the occupants in the seats are flipping through pages in their Bible, some are writing notes in notebooks, and some are on their phones or tablets. Most of the young adults are sitting on a row in the back excluded by choice from the rest of the body. The teens socialize and play on their phones, occasionally parents goes by and tells them they’re too loud, or to get off their phones. Occupants here seem to have different perceptions of the space. The younger audience does not seem as interested in the service, and is waiting for the end. While the adult are carefully listening and note taking, writing every keynote message down. There are so many different task being done in this space, and the main service hasn’t even started.

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Posted October 4, 2016 by tarmour5 in category 9-29 Assignment

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