October 3



The Georgia State Library, hold countless numbers of  students and staffs. The library only allows students and staffs here. One can tell because there is around two to three security guard outside each exit of the building. These security guards make sure that these students are actual students here, provided if they have their student ID with them. They will also need their student ID to go in the library. The library contains many items. For instance, a renting station, where one can rent out laptops, school supplies, and more. There are also computer stations, they are for students and staff to use. Additionally, the library also contains numerous couches, with different colors, from the first floor to the sixth floor. On the third floor of the library, students are seen almost everywhere, sitting in the tables and chair in front of the elevators, to the teal couches on the middle of the library north and library south, or at the computer stations in front of the elevator in front of  library south. The chairs allow the student to sit down and relax if they deem it necessary. The computer stations provided the students an access to the internet and its online resources for those who might not have a computer at home or those who just wanted to use a computer at the moment. The tables and chairs allow the student to do their homework on, study, eat or even nap on. Overall, these items are provided to the students for their own needs and wants, either if it is going toward their educational needs or not.

The GSU Library contains many occupants and for countless reasons. One girl, who was obviously a student here or else she couldn’t have gotten in,  was five feet tall. She had blond hair and blue eyes. She was sitting on one of the blue teal couch. She was wearing an oversize shirt with some black legging. She had her laptop out, placed on her folded legs, and was dancing rapidly with her fingers on her device. She was extremely focused on what she was doing since she didn’t even pick up a phone call. There was another student who had occupied the library, He was six foot tall, with light brown hair and pale skin. He had on a denim jacket, black shirt with matching ripped black jeans. He was sitting on one of the round tables, with textbooks laid out covering half of the table. He had on headphones and was chewing on some chips as he skims through his readings. Slowly the table was filling up with sheets of papers,full of words, that he had written. There was another student in the library at this time. She was sitting on one of the computer areas. She had long black hair covered by a black beanie, and she had on a shirt with flower designs and blue jeans. She had her face 2 inches away from the screen and the sounds of fingertips to the keyboard was extremely prominent in the quiet part of the library. The light from the computer screen had highlighted her distinct eye bags. The more she type, the more she yawns. After being done at her computer station, she had grabbed her stuff and walked to the library south elevator.

The occupants here seems to value their education dearly because they would make time to go to the library to study. They are also very determined to get their work done. For instance, instead of studying at the dorm or home, they come to the library because there could be distractions at their dorm or home. Furthermore,This space controls the way students interact with the environment and it teaches people to be on their best behavior and be respectful to others. The library is inviting to every student at Georgia State. One reason why I know this is because it is located right in the middle of all the campus buildings. It has many resources from; hardcover textbooks to novel books, for students to read and check out. The chairs located everywhere from the first floor to the second floor, allows the student to relax in, while the students study, eat, or sleep in. The stairs and elevator give the student a choice of walking up the stairs or riding up the lift. The computers provided at the library, give students who do not own a laptop the option to do their work on them.Overall, the library is one of the best places to not only study in but to relax and getting to know its occupants.

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Posted October 3, 2016 by tnguyen361 in category 9-29 Assignment

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