October 3

Back on the top of Auburn Av


Back on the top of Auburn Avenue but this time everything is being took in. On the right side of the street the opposite side of the Streetcar train station there are a few shops; a restaurant that sells fried chicken at the corner, I can smell the aroma of grease and flour my a mile away and there is a tall slender man in a blue tie and black tuxedo just walking out licking his finger tips and then wiping them on his pants leg. There is a place called “Candy Bar” just to the right of the Chicken spot , there are firm red leather high chairs and men with glasses and women with dresses sitting in them on the outside of the shop. In between that and a hair salon there are apartment buildings labeled 171 at the top. These apartments are the only ones on this entire street , what is the value of these? These apartments have a balcony for every room over looking the street On the other side of the street there is a restaurant called “Mangos”. Men are wearing big slouchy hats and baggy jeans filled with stains and there are women with strong Caribbean dialect and colorful dresses enter and exit the place. There is a small corner store in the cut between what it seems to be, two abandoned buildings. Outside the corner store, there are boys that look like they are in their mid twenties based on appearance( skinny jeans, full beards, leather jackets, and Jordans) smoking a cigarette. Then there is the park. Same ole same ole, it smells of urine and old trash. The statue stills stands strong in the middle barely shining. And I still spot men and women with no shoes on and old ragged clothes sitting on the curb mumbling to themselves.

A pretty dark skin girl walks by. She has on a bright yellow backpack, some white high top converse that appear to be slightly worn and some tight dark denim jeans and a white tank top. “My name is Jairia,” she states. Jairia is passing through Auburn Av to get to her class at Sparks Hall. She says that the least thing she likes about this area is the homeless people and the cleanliness of it. She breezes by the park looking straight ahead, nonchalant to her surroundings.


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Posted October 3, 2016 by njones61 in category 9-29 Assignment

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