Qi Hu 9-27
I look around and see many tables, so many that it would be hard to count. There are about four tables that correlate with every table. There are many rooms to the right of me that are for study groups. They have clear, glass walls so that I can see through them. To the left of me is many bookshelves that have books ranging from textbooks to novels. There are lights in this area that shine up the whole entire area.
The rectangular tables and the chairs are for people to come and sit down in the library to do whatever they feel like doing. I am currently doing that exact same thing. The rooms to the right of me are rooms that mostly study groups occupy. I see a average of two to three people in each room. The rooms a good way to let the study groups have their privacy. The clear glass walls lets people know that if the room is occupied or not. Of course, there are bookshelves and books. This is an library, and there are always books in a library. It lets people know that the library is an environment for studying and learning. The lights also brings that point up. People sleep in the library all the time, but with the bright lights, it is harder to sleep.
The people in the space are focused and all look serious. The girl in front of me is on her laptop and watching a movie with her headphones in. She is focused on only the movie and nothing else. To the right of me, there is a group of people on their laptops doing work. It is in the study room with the glass. There are loud people behind me that are talking really loudly. It would be nice if they got into a study room because they are distracting me.
The girl in front of me is a girl that likes to watch movies and needed a quiet place to relax and watch movies. She chose the library even though the library is for studying. She is sitting still and enjoying her movie. The group of people next to me are focused intensely on their computer screens doing whatever they are doing. They would not want me to distract them.
Movements are at a minimum in the study rooms. Behind me are people that just keep talking. I do not look behind because that would be weird. They are talking about engineering and computer stuff, so they are in a class about computers or engineering. I ignore them and continue my work.