September 29

Team Nissan


The big Nissan logo was the first thing I saw when I first enter their driveway. There were a lot of expensive cars in the front of the shop. I can see three 2015 GTRs and two G37s lined up at the front of the shop. The further down I looked, the cars start to look worst and worst. The middle cars were filled with Maximas and Altimas, although they look nice. They are nothing compared to the cars in the front. All the way in back of the dealership, there were cars that looked damaged and rusted. I walked towards the Nissan dealership and noticed that the walls for made completely of glass. The glass was very well maintained. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by a dealer. The inside of the dealership had two of the most expensive and the best-looking cars. The two cars were parked across each other pointing diagonally towards each other. The one on the left is a brand new 2017 orange Nissan GTR, and the one on the right was a new gun metal grey Nissan 370z. The top of both the cars had headlights that shine on the cars. While the rest of the dealership was dimmed. There is tall counter near the conference room. The dealers all have their own personal room. There are only four chairs inside the building. Only two people sat inside while eight sat outside. It was dead silent inside the dealership except for the business talk. Outside, it was a lot louder and felt less restrictive.

The giant Nissan logo was probably used to inform people about the dealership. It let people know that this is a Nissan dealership. The beautiful sports cars in the front are used to catch the interest of the consumer. They were very persuasive without being able to say anything. The mid-range budget cars being in the middle made the dealership look bigger. That they have a lot asset at their disposal, and make you feel like they have what you’re looking for. The ugly cars in the back might have been traded in cars. The old cars from people who have purchased from that dealership before. Judging by the sheer amount of old cars, the dealership looked like they get a lot of business. The glass walls allow people to easily see the inside of the dealership. The inside was beautiful and they wanted people to know that. There was little sitting room inside compared to outside. The low amount of chairs forced big families or groups to sit outside. The inside was only filled with people who came alone. That also made the inside atmosphere super silent. No one ever talked inside, even when they do. It is usually only whispers. The dealer’s personal room gave shoppers a sense of privacy. They know that other people can’t hear their financial situation.

There were only two people sat inside. One was a middle-aged lady. She had blonde hair and looked wealthy. She sat alone and used her phone until they called her name. The other person was a very old lady. She looked like she was in her sixties. Her hair was almost completely white. Her skin was the color of snow. She was there for the 2015 Nissan GTR. She really wanted it and she showed that by making a bunch of phone calls to make sure the price was right. She was only there for about an hour and a half.  The dealers were all wearing a navy blue suit. They all matched except for the manager which wore a black suit. John, one of the dealer was walking around a lot. He was the one pulling up all the cars for the customer to see. He looked twenty with black hair and dark skin. He looked happy and joyful so he was probably new there.

The dealers were there for their job. The manager was only there every now and then. He constantly left to go somewhere. He came to check on the dealership to see if it was running smoothly. The old white lady was there for her 2015 GTR. The young wealthy lady came there to look at possible cars that she might like. She looked at eight different cars and left without buying. The family outside the dealership sitting on the bench could be waiting for their turn. They were a difference race so they couldn’t have been waiting for one of the ladies inside.

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Posted September 29, 2016 by Tri Nguyen in category Home

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