September 29

Observing my Space

When you walk into Cataloochee you first see the rows and rows of all different kinds of snowboards and skis available for you to try out. When you walk up the stairs to the main level there are picnic style tables made of dark stained wood arranged in the cafeteria, a bar on the far right side with different types of beverages on tap, and a buffet line mostly consisting of pizza on the left. There are large windows that overlook the slopes on every side of the lodge, and a small shop for gear in the back.

The gear when you first walk in is there for people to rent and spend a day on the slopes with. They really want you to have fun with the gear and use it to its full ability, and encourage you to try out whatever you want to. The tables in the cafeteria are for people to relax and socialize while eating or after a tiring day on the slopes. Same goes for the bar, it’s there for people to socialize and have some fun at the end of the day after they’ve exhausted themselves on the mountain. The buffet is for people to replenish so they can get back out there and send it. You can observe other riders by looking through the windows and this motivates people when they see someone throw an insane trick or come off the end of the run excited and pumped up. When spectators see this it only makes them want to get back out there sooner. The gear shop in the back is for people to browse different accessories wether it be clothing or equipment, and it’s a place where they can buy next level gear to improve their confidence and their riding.

The people in the space are usually running from place to place. Picking up gear here, getting a quick snack there, everything very quick so they can maximize their time on the mountain. There are usually two main types of people, the ones who are dressed in regular clothes, or the people who found the most eccentric set of neon pants or a multicolored coat and pop out at you. You can also spot the first timers. People who are awkward walking around in their boots and smacking people left and ride because they don’t know how to hold their boards. Everyone in the cafeteria are sitting with their friends and telling stories about their runs of the day and generally having a good time.

The type of people in the space are all very similar. You can tell by talking to them, riding with them, or just observing by the way they act why they are there. They are there for their love of the snow and winter sports, there is no other reason. It’s what drives everyone that’s there. You wouldn’t pay the ridiculous amount of money for a lift ticket week in and week out if you didn’t love the sport.

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Posted September 29, 2016 by ksexton1 in category 9-27 Assignment

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