September 29

Living area


The living area in the dorm is where everyone socializes. In the space is a laundry room with two chairs and a table. In the common area there is a big white table in the middle of the forum. There are also three big blue comfy chairs that sit against the window. Lastly there is a big flat screen tv that sits on a orange wall in between the big white table and the three chairs.

The laundry room is where everyone goes to wash their clothes. The chairs in the laundry room are for people to sit while their clothes are washing. The big white table in the common area is beneficial because it is where people sit to socialize and do homework. People are also able to write on the big white table with dry erase markers. The three big comfy chairs are set to keep residents comfortable as they socialize and watch television. Most important is the big television, it is used as entertainment and brings residents closer through different shows.

People who are in this are students and the RA who is on duty. Most of the people who are in this space are very talkative. The people who are speaking are talking about special events going on within the school. Other occupants are quiet completely homework. Residents are constantly walking around going to different floors and exploring the dorms.

The people that occupy this space are either here to socialize, get work done or was their clothes. There are kind people helping others with homework if needed. Other occupants are there to meet new people.


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Posted September 29, 2016 by zblair1 in category 9-27 Assignment, Home

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