September 28


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The moment someone gets off the escalator into IKEA’s upstairs display room, they will see arrows projected on the floor that lead to various rooms; each space made into a bedroom or living area with a unique design. Additionally, all the displayed furniture have red and white tags attached to them with given individual names, but none that sound familiar. Surrounding the rooms are also small racks and shelves that are filled with several household objects, such as cushions and kitchen utensils, but the bulk of the furniture that can actually be purchased lies below this floor, where there are masses of furniture sitting on top of towering shelves, and smaller objects on smaller shelves.

The purpose of the display room is to provide people with ideas on ways that they can improve their household, or enhance their interior. All the rooms have different styles because everyone has different tastes, but they are all aesthetically pleasing to the eye.This causes customers to buy more merchandise, because they may think that since it looks good at the store, then it will look good in their houses as well. To add on, the whole entire space is neat and organized, which gives off the message of order to the customers. As mentioned earlier, each product contains a tag with numbers, which is used to find the location of the actual object on the shelves. Without this number, a customer would be wandering the aisles for hours or wasting time trying to explain the exact product to a worker. Because of the convenience system that IKEA has, people tend to buy more.

Walking the aisles of IKEA are individuals that are all different, but have one thing in common. They are all constantly turning their heads, scanning the space to look for the object that they are finding. Some stop every five seconds to examine a certain product that caught their eyes, but others speed through the walkways because they already know what they are searching for. The majority of the people are lugging carts, that are burdensome but a necessity when shopping at IKEA.

The type of people in this space are husbands that have been dragged by their wives to come with them because they need their muscles to lift heavy objects. It is obvious that they are not that ecstatic about being there by the looks of their face, but that does not stop the wives from grabbing their arms and telling them to pick up the white shelf. There are also people like college students, who have come with their friends to go dorm shopping. You can tell by looking at the contents inside their cart, which is filled with: bed covers, pillows, curtains, table lamps, and a stuffed doll on top. Although I do not know the personal lives of everyone that comes to IKEA, it can be said that they are there because they are trying to improve the interior of some space in some way.


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Posted September 28, 2016 by echoi16 in category 9-27 Assignment

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