September 28

East Wave


There are two doors, one for the entrance and one for the exit. An open sign is hanged outside the opened entrance door. A humongous menu board can be seen and  a little small ones are handed to you from the employees. There are bright colored furniture and a neon colored wall with a painting of street names in Chinese and an image of a gate. There are multiple TV screens hanging on the ceiling from the dinning area. There is a station next to the exit door, where you can put trash and other waste in.

The open sign and the opened door, tells us that this place are welcoming in customers. The open door also tells you that you are suppose to go in that restaurant instead of the neighboring franchise. The large hanging menu broad shows the customers that those items are what is available in the restaurant and you can only choose from what is provided. The restaurant has a railing that leads them to the other side where customers are suppose to eat in. The orange chairs and seats tell the customers that they will seat only in these certain areas. The buzzer are a guide for paying customers to know that they food are served and ready to be eaten. The multiple TV screens encourage people to eat distractedly, where they can eat more and more without knowing it. The large neon background is decorated in a way that would attract the customers and showing off the street names in Chinese is another way of embracing East Wave’s full name, East Wave Asian Fusion. The whole restaurant is very modern which many people would lean toward too just because it is clean and it fits in today’s expectations of an Asian restaurant. Theses objects are set up in a way that would surround the occupants in a modern and clean environment, letting the customers know that they should be behaved and civilized and that they should keep the place clean.

Greeted by the bright open sign and open doors, paying customers are automatically greeted by the co-ed employers. The scent of bubble tea drinks, mix with Asian food smell fills the restaurant. Popular music hits can be heard throughout the restaurant. Upon walking in, customers can see a massive board, hanging from the ceiling, or they can walk up to the counter and grab a smaller version of the menu.  If they are clueless about what to get, East Wave employers will help you choose: from their Kiwi fruit teas with the lychee jelly and kiwi pieces to BBQ Pork Baos. After ordering, customers are directed to grab a buzzer. After attaining the buzzer, customers can find a seat anywhere they would like. Walking to the left, customers can see bright neon color background, with street names from China and a little gate on the wall. Looking around they can see the white tables with orange chairs. The orange chairs are extra soft and comfortable. Additionally, on the wall opposite from the exit door, there are multiple TV screens showing many sports channels and family friendly shows. Once finding a good comfy seat with a view of one of the TV, the buzzer will soon go off, meaning your food is ready. After obtaining your food and a comfy seat, customers often pull out a book to read, do homework assignments, talk to a friend, or talk/play on their phone.

People who are middle class and GSU students fill this space. One of the reason why is because the food is relatively cheap and the workers are really nice. Most people choose to come here because of the food, the price, and the environment. The environment itself is very inviting. This is why people with families and friends come here a lot. This is also a safe environment where the police guard heavily, so people are not intimated of going here.

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Posted September 28, 2016 by tnguyen361 in category 9-27 Assignment, Home

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