September 27

My Space- Barnes & Noble

My favorite space to spend time in would have to be Barnes & Noble. There is something so peaceful about a bookstore that makes it such a comforting place to spend your time in. When you go into a bookstore, it is like a library in that it is a very quiet environment, but different because it isn’t quite as dead silent. There is always a dull, yet subtle murmur vibrating through the air. Most bookstores, like Barnes & Noble, have a connecting coffee shop for socialization. There are so many conversations about the space. Coffee orders, book suggestions to strangers you feel you connect with, or even just talking to yourself, or to the works of art around you. When it comes to the other people in the store, you know they all have a different story to tell. Are they here just to get some peace and quiet, are they here to pick up a book they’ve been dying to buy, or are they here because they’re just bored and this was the closest source of entertainment for them? I can never help but wonder what’s going on in their minds, their lives, right at that very moment. A bookstore isn’t just a place you go to for entertainment, but also discovery.

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Posted September 27, 2016 by mwalton9 in category 9-20 Assignment

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